micritter's photos

Spider. p1040165

15 Jun 2010 52 52 461
A cute jumping spider . It attacked the camera lens when I was trying to get its photo: I think it saw its reflection and thought it was another spider. (June, 2010) Thanks to Xata who further identified it as a wall jumping spider ( Menemerus bivittalus ). . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Hummingbird. 8057664

05 Aug 2021 61 48 533
Ruby-throated hummingbird lapping nectar from milkweed flower.. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Butterfly. 8017584

01 Aug 2021 47 26 437
Harris's checkerspot ( Chlosyne harrisii ) butterfly on milkweed flowers. Many thanks to Pam J for correcting my identification. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Bee. 8317839

31 Aug 2021 47 29 382
Bee on lantana flowers. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Hummingbird. 6193304

19 Jun 2020 48 42 335
Ruby-throated hummingbird getting nectar from a bee balm ( Monarda ) flower . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Dragonfly 6193267

19 Jun 2020 46 22 355
Dragonfly. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Bird. 6023189

02 Jun 2020 37 24 283
Chipping sparrow ( Spizella passerina ) I think. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Milkweed bugs. 8223518

22 Aug 2020 36 18 315
Large milkweed bug nymphs ( Oncopeltus fasciatus ) on butterfly milkweed seed pods. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Goldfinch. 6203327

20 Jun 2020 46 27 332
American goldfinch ( Spinus tristis ) on salvia. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

The story of a mushroom.

02 Jun 2020 42 36 490
The short life of a mushroom (its poison did not protect it). Added: Many thanks to Annalia S. who pointed out that this mushroom is not poisonous as I had stated incorrectly. . . .. Please view all 3 PiPs. . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Moth. 9268428

26 Sep 2021 39 21 360
Tobacco budworm moth ( Heliothis virescens ) on lantana flowers. . . 2 PiPs . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Shell. 7317706

31 Jul 2020 39 22 328
(Used tripod) . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Mushrooms. 6126970

12 Jun 2019 39 19 402
Mushrooms growing on a log. . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Bee on lantana. A048502

04 Oct 2021 46 36 366
Bee on lantana flowers. . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Zelus luridus. A058531

05 Oct 2021 37 18 325
Pale green assassin bug ( Zelus luridus ) nymph. . . . 2 PiPs . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Butterfly on lantana. 8058042

05 Aug 2021 50 28 355
A skipper on lantana. . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

Butterfly. 9037885

03 Sep 2021 45 25 368
Skipper . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

Carnation. 5036819

03 May 2019 46 26 324
Dianthus and an inchworm. . . . 2 PiPs . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

76 items in total

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