Amelia's photos

Little Snoring church

23 Oct 2016 17 27 481
St Andrew is remarkable for having a tower that is detached from the rest of the church. The two sit together on a mound above the road. The south side of the graveyard has been largely cleared of headstones, but there are some fine 18th and 18th century ones that line the path. The round tower is doubly attractive; not only is it free standing, but it is topped by a little 18th century conical cap with tiny gables and a spike.

Boathouse on Hafrsfjord

01 Dec 2009 22 13 758
This photo was taken on a very cold but still morning on the first day of Advent. The bridge in the background is the main crossing point for this fjord.


09 Feb 2009 85 61 1122
The thin ice forming in the harbour seemed to be forming plates with melted sections in between. The colours come from the sky and the reflections of the nearby Hummeren Hotel.

North Approach of the new Queensferry Bridge

17 Sep 2016 8 9 711
Construction video can be found here: Those with keen eyesight may be able to spot HMS Queen Elizabeth in Rosyth on the left hand edge of the photo.

The Swan

01 Dec 2009 18 24 552 OR

The River Tay at Broughty Ferry

Edinburgh morning light

Pan Pipes

14 Mar 2009 7 5 354
These pipes are used for the drilling in the oil industry. They are coded for size, and the markings remind me of old variable resistors. :)

Cardiff bay 3 elipses for 3 locks

18 Aug 2016 12 18 831
Felice Varini's 'anamorphic illusion' at the Cardiff Bay Barrage. To find out more about it, here is the link:

Green Lacewing

Welcome to Drammen

Glacial lake of Llyn LLuncaws.

Chollerford Bridge

10 Oct 2013 13 4 733
Chollerford Bridge is a stone bridge that replaced an earlier medieval bridge crossing the River North Tyne[1] at Chollerford, Northumberland, England. It is a Grade II listed building. It was built in 1785 by Robert Mylne after the previous bridge had been swept away in the great floods of 1771.


16 Jan 2016 17 9 612
This morning we had 2 degrees of frost and the water in 2 buckets outside the back door had frozen. By the afternoon it was thawing quite quickly so it was easy to get 2 discs of ice out. When they were propped against a flower pot the results looked interesting. In the evening I placed a torch behind the 2 ice circles and this was the effect.

2287 photos in total