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  • Barcelona. Any tips?

    - 17 Jan 2008
     I'll be in Barcelona for a few days next week. Unfortunately, my free time will probably be limited to a few hours in the evenings (or even only on one evening) - so, does anyone have any hints where to go, what to see, what to shoot, if you only have a

  • Learn from the pros

    - 06 Feb 2008
    In case you haven't seen this - very interesting insights how pros use their gear and what they use.

  • Good bye, Marco!

    - 27 Jul 2008 Marco, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute - und hoffe, dass ich an anderer Stelle durch betrachten Deiner wunderbaren Bilder noch das eine oder andere lernen kann!

  • Renda

    - 20 Oct 2008
    Years ago, while I was visiting my parents, my mother took me to a place called Renda, not very far from where they lived. It was several houses, not really a village yet, all abandoned years ago. Some roofs had already crumbled, nature already had