Team's most read articles

  • Problems should be fixed now

    - 5 817 visits
    Good news for you: we've just solved some annoying problems. You should now be able to add photos to groups and albums without any problems. And by the way, the unwanted photos from M. Williamson posted to your groups and albums have been removed (and M. Williamson has won a Club subscription for this inconvenience!). For those who are interested in the reason of the bug we had: it's about a 16 bits field which should have been a 32 bits one. Overflow! Something like the Y2K bug :))…

  • [FR] Suggestions de groupes : nouveautés

    - 5 798 visits
    Comme annoncé plus tôt , nous venons d'apporter quelques améliorations concernant les suggestions d'ajout de photos et de docs dans des groupes. L'objectif est d'apporter une meilleure visibilité aux suggestions de groupes, tout en donnant un meilleur contrôle aux différents acteurs (propriétaires de contenus, visiteurs, administrateurs de groupes). A. Vous avez désormais le choix entre : - interdire les suggestions de groupe dans votre espace : dans ce cas le bouton "suggérer un gr…

  • ipernity in German, Spanish, Italian and... Esperanto!

    - 5 784 visits
    Dear all, We are very proud to announce that ipernity is now available in 4 new languages: * Deutsch  * * español  * * italiano  * * esperanto  * This is the result of a fantastic work done by more than 50 volunteers. Congratulations to them . 4 new languages. 4 new doors to welcome more members and diversity. This is a great opportunity to invite new people to join your network, isn't it? We've already started new translations. Volunteers…

  • Refer your Flickr friends easily and earn gifts!

    - 5 780 visits
    [EN] A new module is at your disposal to easily invite your Flickr friends to discover and join ipernity. And as from now, by inviting your friends you will automatically become their referral and you will earn gifts! >> Try out the Flickr invitation module right now! >> Discover the referral program [FR] Un nouveau module est à votre disposition pour inviter facilement vos amis Flickr à découvrir et rejoindre ipernity. Et à partir de maintenant, en invitant vos amis, vous…

  • ipernity Cannes 2010 photo exhibition: selected images announced

    - 5 766 visits
    The 50 images selected for the ipernity Cannes 2010 photo exihibition are announced today. We invite you to discover them in the ipernity Cannes 2010 photo exhibition group. This year theme is human // urban (formerly "urban portraits"). It targets snapshots or still photographs enlighting human emotion or situation in a city environment. The selected images were chosen among more than 400 submitted photos by a committee representing the i…

  • [FR] Quelques nouvelles avant le week-end

    - 5 710 visits
    Bon week-end les amis !
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Voici quelques nouvelles fraîches avant le week-end ... Nous vivons actuellement une situation exceptionnelle avec une arrivée massive de nouveaux utilisateurs qui ont fait le choix d'ipernity pour partager leurs photos dans un cadre de qualité. Nous en sommes ravis ! Nous faisons notre possible pour accueillir cet afflux exceptionnel. Quelques ralentissements et dysfonctionnements mineurs sont encore à prévoir, mais cela devrait être oublié d'ici peu.…

  • [FR] Quelques nouveautés à découvrir !

    - 5 699 visits
    Nous avons récemment ajouté en haut à droite des pages des documents des boutons "Precédent" et "Suivant" pour faciliter votre navigation. Nous avons également remplacé la fonction « sur fond noir » par un nouveau mode de navigation sur fond noir et épuré, accessible également en haut à droite des pages. D'autres nouveautés sur ipernity : Il est maintenant possible de partager des photos, vidéos et articles publiques sur Facebook, Twitter et bien d'autres encore.…

  • Get started on your 365 project

    - 5 690 visits
    New Year's day is the perfect day to get started on your 365 project : ► take a photo or make a video every day for a year on a same topic. They did it! Assbach completed his 365minutes project on October 14, 2008 day 001 .../... day 365 and his 365-Days project on August 12, 2007 day 001 .../... day 365…

  • The first results for the survey [EN] [FR]

    - 5 674 visits
    Les premiers résultats du sondage.

  • Android app: call for volunteers / Appel à volontaires

    - 5 630 visits
    Android logo
    [EN] Good news! The ipernity application for Android is about to be released. Before making it public we would like to have it tested by volunteers. If you want to take part in this then please post a comment below. We will contact you by email in the following days. [FR] Bonne nouvelle! L'application ipernity pour Android est sur le point d'être achevée. Avant de la rendre publique, nous souhaiterions la faire tester par des volontaires. Si vous voulez en faire partie, merci de poster un co…

  • Lightbox: bigger is better! // Vue sur fond noir : plus grand, c'est mieux !

    - 5 625 visits
    Photo credit: Landschaft im August - Landscape (cc) Marcel [EN] Try out our brand new lightbox with WIDER photos! You can launch the lightbox from individual photo pages by clicking on the photo, or from any page where this button appears: Of course, the size of a displayed picture depends on its original size and on the max size its author allows you to see. This is a good occasion to remind you that you can check up your settings for your own photos here .…

  • [EN] Something we had forgotten which is finally fixed: sharing by email

    - 5 620 visits
    Curiously enough it was previously not possible to share content by email on ipernity ^^ This is now fixed! You will now find on the photo, album, article and doc pages a button that will enable you to share by email. For this we use your own email system so you can use your email address book. Please note that your choice of the email system will be stored and offered first in the list. For now only public content visible by everyone can be shared. However very soon you will be able t…

  • [EN] The new Android App is out!

    - 5 605 visits
    ipernity for Android app icon
    The ipernity app for Android smartphones and tablets is now available on the Google Play Store :) Post your photos on ipernity. Browse for those already there... Send up to 200 photos at a time! Your device stays entirely available during the upload. You can resize your photos if you wish to have a faster upload. And many more great options to discover... >>> Install ipernity for Android right now <<< What you must…

  • Week 27 important notice : maintenance operations planned / opérations de maintenance prévues

    - 5 588 visits
    Dear Members, Chers Membres, ipernity's activity is growing fast. Our platform needs to be upgraded from time to time in the goal of welcoming more traffic with quality and security. Some maintenance operations have been planned on week#27 (from 02/07/2007 to 08/07/2007), and may cause service disturbances or unavailabilities. We'll do our best to minimize inconveniences and to keep you informed and by advance in this Blog. We apologize again. ipernity est en pleine croissance. Notre pl…

  • Searching for photos inside a group is finally possible!

    - 5 575 visits
    group search
    [EN] Hello all, Searching for photos inside a group is now finally possible. Don't ask us why it was not possible before because we have no reasons to give apart that we simply plain forgot! Actually you could previously search inside groups you were a member of but not inside other groups. As from now the search feature is available for all the groups on ipernity. Catch you soon! The ipernity Team [FR] Bonjour, La recherche de photos à l'intérieur d'un groupe est enfin…

  • *solved* something wrong? no worry

    - 5 567 visits
    *UPDATE* ipernity has drunken a glass of water and everything goes well now (05:30 pm-GMT+2). We apologize again.   You've just noticed inconsistencies in articles, comments, descriptions, visits counter? No panic, our database is hiccoughing! In a couple of minutes, everything will be okay again (data which disappeared will appear again). We apologize for any inconvenience. Team.

  • 2019-03-08 Newsflash

    - 5 566 visits
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) To date, 50 club members and 35 "free" users have made financial contributions to the reprogramming of ipernity. The amounts paid in adds up to 8,543 EUR (28,5 % of the required starting capital). 2) This Sunday, 10 March, 18:00 CET, there will be a trial run for the General Assembly. All members who have registered by then can participate. 3) Please do not wait until the last day with your candidatures! It is important that all members…

  • From your cameraphone to ipernity with one click / De votre mobile à ipernity en 1 clic

    - 5 553 visits
    [EN] You use to take pictures/videos with your cameraphone? Publish them with one click in your ipernity space, using Shozu application ;-) How to do this? 1) Go to your ipernity Preferences page, " Upload & blog by email " section You'll find an email address like . Keep it with you. 2) Go to and create your account. 3) Add ipernity in your sites list ("MyShozu" tab / "Add a site" button). Name for this site: ipernity T…

  • 2008 most faved photos [30->26]

    - 5 538 visits
    Let's discover day by day the most faved photos for 2008. Today: #30 to #26 How to fave a photo? #30 "En orbite" by Nathou, faved 70 times #29 [***] by Camera Photo Factory, faved 70 times #28 untitled by Gila, faved 71 times #27 "Maroc (un matin...)" by Jean-Pierre Delmur, faved 71 times #26 "touch" by Soleá, faved 72 times

538 articles in total