Siebbi's most read articles

  • Sorry, no news

    - 1 168 visits
    Just want to apologize for not posting new (or old) pics. Busyness and tirednss is a bad combination. I hope to catch up the next weekend.

  • Flood of boring pictures

    - 1 103 visits
    Hey folks, I just want to apologise for boring you with hunderds of more or less dull pictures of my last holiday. But I want to back them up here and it's no private stuff so why don't show them to everyone? If you like them: OK. If not: just as good :-) You needn't look at it.

  • Gone Pro

    - 939 visits
    Finally I feel comfortable enough so that I became a pro user today. Some things are really great, some things need getting used to. But overall this is a place I can make myself at home. And not unimportant is that many of my old contacs and friends moved here to.

  • New Group "Bottle Trash"

    - 935 visits
    Hi folks, writing isn't my cup of tea, I'm better in pictures, but I want to let you know that I founded a new group called "Bottle Trash" . Pictures of thrown away bottles of any kind wherever you find them on your way but where they don't belong. I was thinking about a group like this for quite a while because I collected a lot of pictures for it. But I never had the time or leisure to carry them together. But now I made! So here it is: A group "dedicated" to thrown away bottles. When I…

  • First impressions

    - 765 visits
    After some visits I'm not sure what I should think about this place. So many features. Perhaps too many? Photos, Audio, Video, other. Blog. Chat. Man, this is huge. Some things I miss at flickr. Many things I don't need. Perhaps too much for me. I'm just looking for a cool photo sharing site, where I can meet nice people with the same intention. The photo thing seems to work very well apart from the missing groups feature. Not necessary but quite useful. But I've read they're working on it.…

  • Already published

    - 652 visits
    Hi everybody, in lack of processed and ready-to-upload pictures and in lack of time and currently not beeing keen on working on the computer I decided to upload some already elsewhere published pictures. But only my own favorites. I hope you like them anyway.

  • Let's see...

    - 566 visits
    Hi everyboy, a blog? That's very intersting. Although I aways thougt I don't have to say anything important to the world this is an interesting feature. Let's see what comes. For now: good night!

27 articles in total