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  • Showered with Love

    - 03 Jan 2008 - 3 comments
    I was basically like "*grunt* ugh, can we get this over with now, so I can go back to being miserable, please...?", when coming online shortly after midnight tonight. In my defense, I must say that I'm battling a little cold, not to mention other, more

  • Free Speech not suitable? Jens Soering Update II

    - 05 Jan 2008 - 8 comments
    I can't think right now from sheer shock, so I will just give you the facts: Today, I have a message (in German) in my inbox from a person, who claims to coordinate translations from English to German on Jens Soering's website. In that message, she asks

  • Schmapping along ;-)

    - 14 Jan 2008 - 4 comments
    Yay! It's official: Got selected! ;-)

  • Closure of Jens Soering initiative

    - 18 Jan 2008 - 1 comment
    I would like to express my thanks for all of you supporting my idea of collecting supportive voices on behalf of Jens Soering. I have had a lengthy phone call with one of his European-based supporters and she forwarded an email by his immediate

  • The Pursuit of Happiness

    - 19 Jan 2008 - 3 comments
    Recap of a TV documentary on a scientific approach to measuring individual or collective happiness.

  • New All-Time Favorite (Movie)

    - 29 Feb 2008 - 3 comments
    I got a new one. Check it out. Oh - and here's the trailer.

  • Pink Rocks!

    - 02 Mar 2008 - 1 comment
    I had no idea: Pink is way cool! Not only cool, damn, she's sexy, bold, talented, beautiful, full of energy and apparently has a great heart! Wow! I so enjoyed watching this hell of a concert on the tube! You'll find a number of clips of that awesome

  • Another Movie

    - 02 Mar 2008
    I was stuck in front of my damn machine all Saturday and through much of the night, while trying to get Windows XP running on my MacBook Pro. While I've mostly looking at the progress-bar of the backup-, partitioning- and installation procedure, I had

  • Lone Wolf - or Team Mate?

    - 10 Mar 2008 - 2 comments
    I am on a business trip today to meet with potential collaborators. What we have been discussing is the most inspiring thing since I fell for music, although it's a purely intellectual thing with a huge, if not humunguous, selling potential. I have to

  • I give in

    - 11 Mar 2008 - 10 comments
    OK, I'll give in: I'll be a working week slut, just like everybody else. The system has won, I'll abide and quit thinking, I'm special in any way. I'll punch the work hours Monday thru Friday, and run my errands from 7 thru 8, wash my car on weekends, pay

  • Back to the Roots?

    - 13 Mar 2008 - 1 comment
    As of late, I found my interest in all things linguistics being rekindled. I have made new biz contacts, which might turn into something of quite some scope. It's a little early to tell, but if my previous assessment of what we might be collaborating on

  • Rejection = Rage in Heaps!

    - 14 Mar 2008 - 2 comments
    One thing, I still haven't gotten used to (and chances are, I never will) is to find that people leave you in the balance about the reasons for their rejection. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'd like to know where I've messed up with someone, if I

  • Machines are human, after all...

    - 19 Mar 2008 - 3 comments
    Prepare yourself for a way spooky read - this might as well have appeared in any given "New Age" gazette or publications of that nature. But it's a true account of one thing that's happened to me lately and to be honest, I don't have a good nor logical

  • That's The Spirit!

    - 23 Mar 2008
    No - I'm not talking about the Easter Spirit. I'm talking about an excellent documentary I'm watching right now: It's about the Carretera Austral, also called President Pinochet Highway, a 770 mi road along the Southern Pacific Coast of Chile in Latin

  • My Credo

    - 28 Apr 2008 - 3 comments
    I will stop for three reasons: 1. Hunger, I can no longer ignore, 2. Fatigue that has me fall on the keyboard, 3. My heart, ceasing to beat. Other than that and when I've set a goal for myself: I keep going.

  • That's the Spirit, Part II

    - 28 Apr 2008 - 3 comments
    I just watched a documentary on "Governator" Schwarzenegger's environmentalist policy - a fierce and inspiring 45 min. TV session! It saw me breaking into tears with longing to be part of that, of the innovative and "can do" spirit that governs most of

  • The Journey / Number-Crunching

    - 29 May 2008 - 2 comments
    While I was calculating the mileage on my bike since I bought it, I came across another number-crunching idea. Well, one thing at a time, the bike first: I bought my All-Terrain-Bike about 2.5 years ago. Since then, it's safe to say I've been riding it

  • Open Spaces Outdoor Therapy Program

    - 06 Jun 2008
    A few days ago, someone contacted me through my Flickr-account and asked, whether they could use one of my pictures. It turned out, the lady asking my permission is in the process of drafting a unique therapy program, which combines elements of an outdoor

  • Being in Pain

    - 12 Jun 2008 - 4 comments
    I am fortunate: It has been quite some time, since I remember having felt real pain. Today is one of those. By now, the pain has subsided a bit and the painkillers have kicked in. I went to get a little surgery performed on me today, which removed some

  • Getting better - finally!

    - 14 Jun 2008 - 1 comment
    Wow... the past two days were plain torture. Don't get me wrong: I ain't no pussy. I've known pain for quite a while with a host of conditions I'm suffering from, some more, some less pronounced. So, I'm no stranger to pain and I've learnt to accept it as

  • Setback

    - 18 Jun 2008 - 3 comments
    Ugggh... Today, I allow myself some venting, come tomorrow, I'll put myself in "Good thoughts"-mode to support the healing process. I went for the checkup-appointment with the doc - and he wasn't satisfied with the progress. There is a major infection

  • 85

    - 23 Jun 2008 - 3 comments
    ...degrees is what we saw today, wheatherwise. 85% is also the approximate amount of physical strength and well-being I'm back at. In that context: Thank you Sherry for continuously sending the healing vibes as well as Kenia for dedicating a regularly

  • Major Insight

    - 30 Jun 2008 - 3 comments
    I am currently travelling on business. I am in Binz on Ruegen, which is a famed health resort with quite some history. After having travelled to this place an entire day on an empty stomach, then meeting with the hotel director of a newly opened resort,

  • Dying will be... a degrading experience

    - 01 Jul 2008 - 1 comment
    To avoid misunderstandings: No, I'm not suicidal (not now, anyway :P). And this posting could as well be titled "I'm a professional hooker" - but I have to raise my price tag :P (and will :P :P). Nonetheless, that's an entirely different discussion. So:

  • The Perfect Experience

    - 03 Jul 2008
    For the longest time now, I've been settling for mediocrity: On the job, in my personal life, even in areas, where passion should be the predominant quality. In order to escape the boredom that comes with anything being mediocre, I've always believed in

  • Tribute to all Comedians

    - 07 Jul 2008 - 1 comment
    Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of this dude (George Carlin) and last night, I almost succeeded in waking up the neighbourhood from laughing so hard over his jokes - brilliant! Today, I happen to flip the German comedy channel called Comedy Central (sounds

  • Being appreciated - being in Awe

    - 08 Jul 2008 - 1 comment
    Always nice to be appreciated and I am beginning to warm up to that experience. Today, I had to take a severe blow to my confidence and courage in terms of my current tight life situation. In fact, the latest turn of events was apt to toss me back into a

  • Deal!

    - 09 Jul 2008 - 1 comment
    So, it's a deal now: The publishing company, who contacted me, have licensed my image for an upcoming title of their list of books. We'll be signing an agreement and the deal will be formalized that way. I feel like I should celebrate this a little - oh,

  • One Door Closed

    - 25 Jul 2008 - 2 comments
    I'm hoping, it will fall shut completely and stay closed for good. The good news: Other doors have opened instead. I'm hoping for those to open as widely as a horseback riding ranche's gate.

  • Business Speak

    - 27 Jul 2008
    I've been flattering myself into thinking, I was quick to grasp things. I now have to admit to myself (and all of you reading) that I'm not - I'm naive... still. Hard to believe, but unfortunately, it seems to be a fact. In the current case, we're talking

  • Gratitude

    - 28 Jul 2008
    Awwwww... how I love those mild summer nights! I am so grateful for the place I live in! On nights like this, where we still had 68F/20 Celsius at midnight, I like to step out on the terrace, prefererrably just wearing underwear, sometimes my bathrobe,

  • Stalking

    - 31 Jul 2008 - 1 comment
    I need to talk about stalking today. wikipedia says this about stalking: "Stalking is the obsessive following, observing, or contacting of another person, or the obsessive attempt to engage in any of these activities. This includes following the person to

  • Variation

    - 15 Aug 2008
    Tried a new variation today. Ingredients: - Salmon, about 7 ounces (200 grams) - Thai Rice Noodles - Handcut Fries from Spring Potatoes - Yellow Squash - Optional: Yellow Bell Pepper - Ground Black Pepper - Ground Sea Salt - Thai Curry Relish - Virgine

  • Funny commercial

    - 16 Sep 2008 - 1 comment
    Found this on YouTube the other day - hilarious! The words read: - cow - jackass - witch - dork - whore - quiet! Unfortunately, the joke works better in German, as the last two words are made of the same characters, just different sequence. But I still

  • Funniest shit in a long time

    - 04 Oct 2008
    I swear, I haven't laughed this hard in quite some time: I rented a movie today, which - going by the title - sounded like just another romantic comedy. But... it's written, directed and produced by Julie Delpy, a French atrice, who currently lives in Los

  • Pure Genius

    - 07 Nov 2008
    Tonight was a special night: It's been just a few weeks, since I first spotted him on YouTube: Andy McKee, delivering a killer arrangement and performance of Toto's 80ies hit "Africa" with nothing else but six strings and ten fingers - I was blown away!

  • I didn't know, I owned an Enterprise ;-)

    - 09 Nov 2008 - 1 comment
    Just found this ;-) I spotted those trucks all across Canada and the USA, when I travelled there last time.

  • Finally!

    - 23 Nov 2008 - 2 comments
    At least I got it completed for now: I managed to add a melody and solo track to one of my tunes. Please visit me on my iLike-site, where I plan on adding material I perform live as well as one or the other original tune I intend to come up with. I will

  • Birdsong - an Internet Radio Station devoted to bird sounds

    - 25 Nov 2008
    I know, this may read crazy: I just came across this station on the web, who play nothing but the sounds and songs of different birds! It's winter here and I'm missing summer terribly, so this radio stream creates a summer atmosphere right in my living

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    - 27 Nov 2008 - 2 comments
    ... to all my American friends and contacts! Enjoy the bird-slicing! ;-)

  • Second Show @ Local "Watering Hole"

    - 05 Dec 2008
    Please find my complete post here.

  • Rescue Forces avert near Tragedy on Lake Woerthsee

    - 22 Dec 2008 - 2 comments
    I happened to be around and have my camera with me when this happened on the lake today: A mother had her six months baby and a two-and-a-half-year old with her, all three of them being on skates. When she approached a spot of thin ice, bystanders