You ?

There is no way, My Friends ..

If I vanish over the next few days, it has nothing to do with Ipernity.

Have given my 7yr - old laptop CPR ..

Mr. C. did a Restore to get it moving - even though it still swims through a vat of molasses.

It's not quite in ICU, but that little - infuriating blue wheel that goes round and round searching for something ...
Drives me nuts ... more than I am already...

So, if no response to your visits - to your comments - to absolutely anything ...

It is the fault of a laptop that I expected to last a verrrrry long time.

Will come out of Ipernity (since that little blue wheel had to hunt forever to find it ) ..

I'll be back when the laying on of hands or a hammer works ... whichever comes first.

Have a wonderful weekend.

See you whenever.................... the gods of computers will it to be so.

Peggy C