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Publication date  /  2019  /  July   -   15 articles

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  • Wow we had 3 days of hot sun--- and now?

    - 04 Jul 2019 - 6 comments
    Ater a little hiccup a few days ago I have spent most of my time outside pottering about in the garden. Isn't it strange as soon as you sit in the garden you find things to do? or is that just me? Most of my meals have consisted of salads with some sort

  • The sun returns

    - 07 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    A wonderful day here with my meals taken outside. When I sit in the garden it is not long before I find something to do and so it was today' I cleared more rubbish from the side of the house and weeded the planters before picking gooseberries for my

  • The clouds return AGAIN

    - 08 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    After a super day yesterday today we have a blanket of cloud overhead and of course it's a lot cooler. Undetered I set about grass cutting duties,if you saw my bird photos yesterday you would see it really needed doing. I started on the front at 9:30 and

  • What's in your cubby?

    - 11 Jul 2019 - 6 comments
    Almost everybody I know has a little corner where there are things stowed away to be sorted at a later date. My cubby is under the stairs where I had stashed these boxes of all thing electrial. There are cables for internet,usb.ttelaphone and kettle

  • A sunny day for work in the garden

    - 12 Jul 2019 - 8 comments
    After an iffy start to the day the afternoon brought sunshine.I sat in the garden for a while before getting restless as always so I decided to do a bit of clearing. Slowly but surely I am getting the patch at the side of the house cleared and today I

  • A lazy day after yesterday

    - 13 Jul 2019 - 4 comments
    We had a slow start to the day weatherwise but by lunch time the sun won the battle.With the work done yesterday and a shopping day this morning today was a rest day. This is how far on I am,pretty good as the weeds and brambles were almost up the the top

  • Back to work

    - 14 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    iNot the sunny day I hoped for just lots of clound and very high humidity but I set to and cleared the flower beds out on the front and after a coffee started clearing more from the side of the house. First up was some bricks from a long forgotten

  • Sun still shining work goes on

    - 16 Jul 2019 - 7 comments
    Another lovely day here and after s dood trip to mother's snd Lunch it was into the gardrn with a coffee,just sitting on the ricliner watching the birds. I got restless after a while so continued clear this junk at the side of the house. I cleared jujnk

  • Here comes the rain

    - 17 Jul 2019 - 4 comments
    Rain has replaced our recent dry spell and for a change I welcome it with the bone being bone dry and the water butt nearly empty,the plants will do well from it as well. There was a partial eclipse of the moon last night but sadly when it reached my part

  • New plants for the garden

    - 21 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    My next door neighbour Allan has been filling his garden with plotted plants for years. It has now got to the stage where it is so packed he can't get to the centre of them. So looking to unload some with help from one of his sons he dumped 7 on me this

  • The best laid schemes

    - 22 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley" The first line of the poem To a mouse by Robert Burns paraphrazed as "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" This is what happened to me yesterday I decided not to water the new plants

  • Wowser

    - 23 Jul 2019 - 8 comments
    Today has been a good day with wall to wall sunshine all day. I had a good visit with my old Ma with plenty of laughter as normal. On returning home I changed into my sruff for some gardening but first I had 2 bacon baps and then I was ready. The first

  • Garden update

    - 24 Jul 2019 - 6 comments
    Today is a lot fresher than yesterday so better for work in the garden, I spotted John in his garden so asked his advice which I should plant in the garden.He also named every plant but in latin of course so I'm no wiser.He suggested I replant two,the

  • Sunshine all the way

    - 25 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    Last night after wok and dinner was finished I went inti the garden and I am fairly happy with the recent work although the planters lool a little too symetrical but I can tweak that' I i sat out last evening my eye kept wandering to the one bush I

  • The painted lady arrives

    - 29 Jul 2019 - 5 comments
    On A lovely afternoon I suddenly spied a painted ladt,the another and another,all tpld there were 5 om the Buddleia bush. We can get large numbers some summers but of late their numbers have fallen. Yhe migrate from the desertt fringes of fringes of