Another lovely sunny day here so I have been pottering in the garden sawing wood up for disposal.
This bush in John's is in full bloom now and really brightens the place up

Still not much on my side of the fence apart from the Common Mallow and Forget-me-nots but the borders are full of greenery now so I hope for a good splash of colour.

This Jackdaw has become a daily visitors,he doesn't stop long just nibbles on the fat balls and flies of again. As I have said before I do like his blue eyes.

I had steak pudding,chips and mushy peas for my take out today and very tasty it was.
I had not long finished eating when I had a visit from Stephen,he called in on his way back from a walk just to say hello and catch up on any family news.
Now all is quiet,the cats are off on an adventure and a sunny afternoon stretches before me,I think I will grab a few rays in the garden and treat myself to ice cream,catch you soon