I heard Allan calling me this morning so went out into the garden to check what he wanted.He pointed to a drainpipe 2 doors down and there was a squirrel scooting up the wall,He said Zazzles had chased it from a tree in John's garden although of course we couldn't see the ground so didn't see him. The squirrel quickly climbed to the roof over the apex and down the other side leaving Zazzles bewildered no doubt.It all happened much too quickly to grab my camera. Sooty came out for a look see but it was all over by then so he found another game.Allan had their little dog in his arms so Sooty jumped onto the water butt next to the wall and sat staring at the dog.The dog of course went frantic as she always does.She didn't try to get down,she is scared of cats close up but she did bark a lot.Allan put her inside and Sooty seeing the game was over jumped down and went to sleep on the path.An entertaining few minutes brightened up a dull day.Two of Allan's boys hadn't seen the cat and dog game before and were reduced to helpless laughter

I put the last piece in place on my quest to improve my back with the arrival of a new chair.As many of you know I can only get comfy sat at the computer and my old chair while fine for short stints didn't fit the bill for long sessions.With this in mind I bought an office rather than home computer chair.It looks pretty much like any other chair but with extra padding on the back and seat together with a lumber support and a high vertical back( the old chair was sagging) seems to be what I am looking for. I didn't realise I was slouching on the old chair until I sat on the new one,my back is straight and well supported.I will see how a full day pans out but it is a promising start.

I had another delivery today my new winter hiking coat arrived,it's a good make, Regatta and retails at £60 down to £19:99 in a one day sale,that's my kind of shopping,the chair was also a bargain as were my new walking trainers which arrived today too.They are a straight replacement for my old ones which after 4 years of hard wear over some pretty rough terrain are getting thin in the sole.They will serve spell in the garden.
The total spent was a tad under £70 Approx $112 which gave me savings of £60 approx $96
A good days work.