The sunshine party ended this morning and it was back to reality with a bump.I awoke to slate grey skies with no sign at all of our yellow friend. All ideas about zooming off somewhere were cancelled. I wandered on to the front and found my neighbour Allan hosing his upper windows and paths down.I have mentioned in the past it is the solemn duty of anybody finding a friend working to stop them for a while,this serves 2 purposes it stops them overworking and we can catch up with each others news.
Then I pottered in the back garden and spotted a red poppy one of a few in that little bed the rest are still in bud.

The corn flower I posted a photo of yesterday has filled out to its full glory and two or three more are bursting through.

Gradually the skies brightened but it wasn't until a little after 2 that the sun made it's first appearance and then it was still hazy. But it was a lot pleasant and sitting in the garden for a while watching the cats play chase until they collapsed in a heap was fun.
That fun soon ended when the clouds banished the sun once more,it was still warm and nice to sit out but I do like the sunshine.This battle continued all afternoon with a final victory for the sun in a hard fought contest,still tomorrow should herald it's return full on so the weather gurus report,as if they know anything more than the rest of us.