The sun finally managed to penetrate a blanket of cloud at around 2:30. Not brilliant sushine as the last week or so but improving as time went on.Then around 3:30 the sun got serious and the temps climbed into the low 80s in my little sun trap. Not very hot for a lot of you but with the humidity up into the high 70s and climbing it is rather sticky out there. Today is the last good day for a while with rain tomorrow and what the weather people call unsettled for the rest of the week. I think unsettled means they don't know what the weather will do.
At last the promise of some real colour in the garden,not a lot of colour but colour just the same. The trusty Sweet William which bloomed when all else failed last year has sprung into life again,one of the heads is changing colour and has a tiny pink flower just emerging.3 years ago I had a magnificent display of these fellas,I hope they return in numbers only 3 plants to date but signs of more emerging.
The oven is telling me dinner is cooked,catch you later

Definition of a garden centre:
A store where folk go to spend £5 for things they don't need and end up spending £50 for things they REALLY don't need and didn't know they did until they spotted them.

Fact of the day
A baby puffin is called a puffling.