Today is day three of good sunny weather and 20c temps in my garden.tee shirt and shorts again.
I mowed the right hand top section of the back garden then came in for in a coffee just as Ellen appeared with my shopping. Having just readied my 4 empty planters in case she had foundsome.. Sadly no plants available. Never mind with the nursery outlets mostly closed plants are scarce.
After lunch back out again and I mowed the bottom right hand section. The left hand section needed strimming so I got on with that then collapsed into the recliner for half and hour and surveyed my work well pleased.
I came in to pick up a briar and some baccy to sit and have a smoke in the sun and I spotted Ellen coming down the path. Mal needed some stuff they couldn't get when they shopped for me and found me some bedding plants. The four planters I had would take 12 plants which they brought me. 12 each Geraniums and Mimulus Blotch a bright variety of Monkey flower. I also got a Fuchsia shrub,all this for £5 a bargain I think.
Hot weather is not perfect for planting so I left them and the planters in the shade until after dinner then planted watered and settled them in still in the shade until tomorrow.
My back is comp[lainging now but surveying what I did today it's worth a litle pain.A last half hour in the sun witjh a beer methinks