Better than yesterday that is. I am not the sort of fella that lets life get me down but yesterday I didn't feel like doing anything I had been happy attacking the garden but even that didn'tinterest me. I just lounged about the only actifity was feeding the cats and myself.
Today I was back to my chirpy happy self. I looked forward to getting back into the garden and Ellen bringing my shopping.
After a couple of bacon butties for breakfast I went out into the front garden to take stock of what was in store. Thegrass was in a worse state that I thought having grown more than I thought.
Still onwards and upwards I mowed both sides then took a break before starting to strim.
I had just started when Ellen and Mal appeared with my shopping which they stowed for me. We had a good long chat (at a distance of course) before they drove off and left mre to the garden. I finished the strimming with my back starting to kick off so I left the tools made a coffee and sat on my massage chair for and hour..
With my back behaving itself again I cleaned and stowed the tools
Time for lunch which I had in the sunny back garden it was wonderful.
I had put a wash in earlier and now I could hang it on the whirly for the first time for a long time
I good day all round and with a chat to Jenny to look forwards to Mr Grumpy from yesterday has been banished.
Stay safe Folks