A well known saying but very true. We are into the second week of a new decade and Politicians are still trying their best to destroy the world as we know it.
The television is still full of quiz shows and so called reality T.V why that name I have no idea,from the glimpses I have seen the people on them don't resemble anybody I know or ideed would wish to know.
We are still getting battered by very unwintery weather with gales and rain in shed loads.
Where have cold crisp winter mornings with frost on the ground gone? or the odd snow fall.?
I guess it is all down to climate change and with most of the so called civilised world sitting on their hands it will only get worse
The call is grit your teeth and carry on I guess.
Today the 12th is only the second time this year I have been able t get out for a walk and that only after heavy morning rain
Oh well onwards and upwards I guess.
Have a good year folks