I awoke to a sunny morning with a few whispy clouds perfect for my shopping day
I visited. Morrisons,Discount corner,B&M and the Market.
I decided on a coffee at the new teas shop before my last call at Herons
There I bumped into an old school pal and we had a couple ofcoffees before exchanging phone numbers before going our seperate ways
After my visit to Herons it was back home again with the weather still good I opened the back door and windows for some much needed fresh air to flow through.
The next event was a surprise A little pony appeared with a note. It read,
My name is Arthur,please shake me to tidy my mane.
I did this but tidy and me don't sit well together so I scruffed it up again,much better.
Zazzles has found a new pal but with his habit of destroying things A safe home for Arthur is a must
Here he is posing in a little table of photos
Beside hime is the lastest snap of Mia in her school uniform would you believe?
Next to her Margaret who would have so much loved to live to see the little darling
The small photo is Alison a greatly missed niece who lost her life aged 12 under the wheels of a car a great lost to all of us