Since months I have my problems with internet access, sometimes sloooooooooooow, something not working, waiting for minutes what happens, all that shitty crap.

Ok, I bought a new wlan router from ebay, fighting with the installation of this AirPort stuff in combination with IBM Access Connections and after success (nearly not far away throwing essential living room equipment out of the window) having the same problem: one day working next day all fucked up. Then, to have the big mess I wanted to install network storage to have a convenient place for music and all my pictures: you can imagine what happend: Network breakdown copying the half of the crap, than giving up, no access to nothing: TO NOTHING???? 

Ok. A continous ping to my internet access pc (I love this linux thing, working since 10 years(!) without any problems) and I had finally the BAD EVIL FUCK CRAP IDENTIFIED. This simple grey roline hub is simply half broken, like a pensioner with walking frame; after 5 Years of operation it tells with blinking lights that something happens, but that what happens is in fact: walking frame routing bullshit!

Plugging this device of HELL out of the line, replacing with a netgear router ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Internet FAST. NAS Access NO PROBLEM.

I am nearly happy now. Sometimes those things make youself really crazy!