Rhythmanalysis is the study of rhythms :o) Gaston Bachelard borrowed the term from the writer Lucio Alberto Pinheiro dos Santos (a 1931-piece in Portuguese) in The Psychoanalysis of Fire and in The Poetics of Space as “rhythmo-analysis”, and developed a chapter on “Rhythmanalysis” in Dialectic of Duration. Toward the end of his life Henri Lefebvre made an attempt to develop a theory of rhythms, in order to build an understanding of “the concrete modalities of social time” (Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life, 2004 [1992]). Social time manifests as rhythms that pertain to either natural time (cosmic rhythms) or to linear time (historic rhythms) like in modern everyday life, which is modeled on the time of watches and clocks. Lefebvre argues for the regeneration of present social life by means of incorporating the natural rhythms into the modern consciousness.

“Without claiming to change life, but by fully reinstating the sensible in consciousness and in thought, [the rhythmanalyst] would accomplish a tiny part of the revolutionary transformation of this world and this society in decline. Without any declared political position” (Lefebvre 2004, p.26).

On sound (silence, music and laughter) John Cage

"[The rhythmanalyst] will listen to the world, and above all to what are disdainfully called noises, which are said without meaning, and to murmurs [rumeurs], full of meaning – and finally he will listen to silences.” … “The sensible? It is neither the apparent, nor the phenomenal, but the present. The rhythmanalyst calls on all his senses. … without privileging any one of these sensations … he does not neglect smell, scents, the impressions that are strong in the child and other living beings, which society atrophies, neutralizes in order to arrive at the colourless, the odourless and the insensible. … The rhythmanalyst will not be obliged to jump from the inside to the outside of observed bodies; he should come to listen to them as a whole and unify them by taking his own rhythms as a reference: by integrating the outside with the inside and vice versa" (Lefebvre 2004, pp.19-21).

On love and time www.ipernity.com/blog/ileanaa/73599