Chen and wife were beaten for releasing this video! ChinaAid has just learned that on the evening of February 8, Chen Guangcheng and his wife were beaten severely by officers from the Public Security Bureau of Linyi and Shuanghou (Chen's hometown).

The violence was inflicted because of the video the couple recorded, which was released yesterday. Chen and his wife were beaten so severely that they are not able to move from their bed, and they were denied the right to go to the hospital for medical care.


­临沂地区的盲人律师陈光诚先生,在2010年9月9日刑满释放后,继续被中国政府囚禁 ­在家,每天三班人员、每班22 人监控,与外界完全隔绝。从下面这段近期拍摄的视频,可以见证陈光诚家庭的悲惨状况和 ­中国政府公然践踏人权的丑恶行径。

正在美国华盛顿率领中国民间宗教与法律基督徒代表团访问的对华援助协会的负责人傅希秋 ­牧师,在观看这段视频之后,紧急约见美国助理国务卿Posner先生以及另外2位副国 ­务卿,将于今天下午举行专项会谈,就陈光诚和范亚峰两人受到的中国政府的残酷逼迫,探 ­讨解决方案。

对华援助协会强烈谴责中国政府对陈光诚这位盲人的残酷逼迫,并对北京胡锦涛政府法西斯 ­化的快速进程表示遗憾和忧虑。