In better times when I had a studio (very modest) I was surrounded by all the usual stuff - easels of all kinds, pots of brushes, tubes of watercolours and acrylics, set squares, pro north light lamp, reams of assorted papers, and even a small display area. Things are different now (for reasons stated elsewhere -see "About"). Now I have to work more simply and quickly.

I have refined everything down to a small toolbox containing mainly:

1.Faithful 30-year-old W&N enamelled watercolour box containing the half-pans of Winsor & Newton colours I have always used: Fr Ultra, Cobalt Blue, Winsor (phthalo) Blue, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Light Red, Cadm Red, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow ochre, Lamp Black.
2.Small selection of brushes: Round 3 & 8, rigger, one-stroke half and one inch, one or two squirrel types for loose washes.
3. Table Easel
4. Sketch book or block
5. Pencils (sometimes) though I often by-pass this bit now, rubber

Not much else