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24 September 2022
a little bike tour to Rathen
in the 'Saxon Switzerland

- There and back 24km -

For a month I couldn't do a bike tour.
4 weeks ago I had a small lumbago.
That was the 4th one in my life.
So I knew from experience,
bed rest and warmth is the best thing you can do.
And that's exactly what happened.
The weather was also unstable last week.
Sometimes a heavy shower, then sunshine and pleasant warmth.

A beautiful sunny autumn day is forecast for today.
So I get back on my chair bike and ride along the Elbe
on the Elbe path in the direction of 'Stadt Wehlen'.

With the four-wheel chair bike on the Elbe cycle path

I stop in Stadt Wehlen
and enjoy a delicious cappuccino.
in the Marktstübchen.


Marktstübchen Stadt Wehlen

I continue on to Rathen.
This path is closed to cars.
There are always pedestrians and cyclists
who walk or cycle this path in peace.
The view of the valley is beautiful as always.
Now and then there is a beautiful house on the left side.
Many houses have a name here.
This house is called 'Maria


Elbe cycle path

Autumn is slowly making itself felt.


Tall old trees impress me.
How many ships have they seen
and how many floods ?


Elbe cycle path before Rathen

On the side a typical wall built of sandstones.


Saxon sandstone wall

The view goes upwards.
Near the bastion is a rock
where a large piece broke off a few years ago.
A friend had climbed there shortly before.


Rock near the Bastei

Further on in Rathen, the beautiful Elbe terrace welcomes me.
There are always lots of people sitting here
and look at the passing ships


Elbe terrace Rathen

I am happy every time
that I am mobile again with my four-wheeled armchair bike
and can go on these little bike tours.
"Carpe diem"


Elbe Terrace Rathen

Text and photos by Albert Jäger
