de - eo - fr - es - it - rus

4. In the cafe

The planetary languages ​​-
Esperanto - the international language
the energy supply through eating and drinking.

«I notice - Leoni and Leon -
we have only seen a few villagers so far »
begins Nino
" The reason is simple
we are very considerate
I told you about your visit
and of course everyone is very curious
to see you
Now most of you have seen you
you can already be recognized by your clothes alone »

«There is also a cafe with you
I would have liked to eat and drink a little »
asks Nina
«Sure - even a very small and cozy one
well - let's go there »
It does not take long -
and they're standing in front of a little cafe.

" But this is really very small - Leoni "
"However, we have many such small...
- but very comfortable cafes "
You go in - one table is still free

You sit down
everyone smiles kindly at them
A woman sitting at the next table
addresses her kindly.

" Bonan tagon - geamikoj - ni ĝojas vidi vin. "

" What did she say " Nina asks quietly ?
" Greetings - friends - we are glad - to see you."
But wait - here comes the waitress
I'll answer your question later. "

I'll translate the offers
There is tea - cake and various cakes "
and then a large selection of sundaes "
" Oh - if I have a choice " says Nino
" then I'll have the cake with tea "
" And you - Nina "
"I'll have a fruit sundae with chocolate."

Nino and Nina secretly looking at the guests
There are different age groups
Everyone looks healthy and is tanned
They wear clothes similar to Leon and Leoni.

"Say," that's how Nino starts
"Did the woman greet us in one of your languages
I didn't understand a word "
"Oh no - Nino
She spoke in one language -
that exist on your planet "
In disbelief, Nino looks at Leon
"But before I answer your question
Let me tell you about our language.


A long long time ago
in the primitive times of our planet
there was - as I said before
many horrible wars -
as you have done today
This had its cause also in the different languages
- not alone - but also
And it was then that the desire for a language
which all speak
and can communicate and communicate in it
Some wise women and wise men were given the task
from several existing languages
to create a light - logical - and simple language
And they created an artificial language
without any exceptions
which was written and spoken above all

Initially, only some countries decided
to introduce this language in schools
But word of their advantages spread quickly
and little by little all the children in the schools
some of them even already have this language from their parents "

"And how long has it been now? "
asks Nino
"I can't tell you exactly
I have read that in our chronicles
I think - most people here
don't even know that anymore
They grow up with it now as children "

Nino and Nina had listened attentively

"But isn't that a little monotonous just a language"
"You're right - Nino
but everyone still speaks their local language
So you can go back to your planet
go wherever you want with your spaceships
You can communicate everywhere "
" That's right - Nina - the signs are
in general language
and written in the regional language "

" What progress - that's incredible "
" But very practical - Nina "
" However "

In the meantime tea - cakes and sundaes have been applied.

Warm light fills the room
The guests speak in a low voice

"I have promised you in answer to your question
to enter your planet using the language of art "
begins Leon

"To your great astonishment.
you already have this language.
It is called
- Esperanto -

Over 130 years ago - 1887 - by your reckoning.
a Mr. Zamenhof created them
He had the same reasons
as we were many - many thousands of years ago.
He said, "If there is only one language,
then there will be fewer misunderstandings
among the people. "

"And how many people speak this plan speech
on our planet Earth,
if it's that simple and useful -
then why is it not introduced by governments "

"Dear Nino, everything takes time, you know.
Everything evolves
You'll see - that it spreads
and nothing prevents you from learning them now "

" By the way - many people make
already today already active use of this language.
They visit each other
and over the Internet it is very easy today
to make contacts. "

Nina - who had listened carefully so far
rises to speak


...if some governments want to make that language available in all schools...
would make it compulsory
then all the children could already be
communicate with other children after 1 year
no matter what other national language they speak
It's very obvious "

"Nina - you're right.
It started the same way with us
but - there must also be enough teachers for this language "
"What do you think Leoni -
How much 'time' must one invest in learning "
"In the experience of many people.
it takes about 6 months
because it is a logical language. "

"That's incredible
It took me a few years -
to learn English reasonably well
and to communicate with it "

" Nina - the main difficulty of all your languages
lies in her age.
All have many exceptions
and one of the difficulties is.
The pronunciation is different from the writing.
Scripture preserves - the debate changes "

" You can say that again " sighs Nina.

"What a perspective this would be for mankind
And besides - it would be much cheaper
as the development of ever newer weapons
forever new conflicts
And the conflicts cannot be solved with weapons either -

That's what many people think - Leoni - "


It's quiet in the room


Probably the other guests
heard part of the conversation
They look over to the four of them
and a woman says
" Leon - vi pravas "
" - Leon - you're right - "

" So - let's go " and with
" ĝis revido "
" - Bye - Goodbye - "
leave the room
not without himself also
to say goodbye to the friendly service.

Arrived outside - says Nino
"And what about the pay?"

"There is no money on this planet.


This is of course also very new for you
But let's go home
For today - that's what I mean -
enough surprises
We will tell you more about it later.

So they go back to their house in silence
every now and then a dog yaps

They're a little exhausted
our two - Nina and Nino -
It won't take long
and in the distance they see the house

"Sit in the garden and enjoy the sun
Meanwhile, we're preparing dinner "
"You're right - Leon
we could use a little rest and relaxation "

Arrived at the house
sit down on the terrace
enjoy the friendly atmosphere
the warming rays of the sun
look at the "lovers" in a meaningful way
and fell asleep after a short time.

Leon and Leoni also rest
They too must regenerate

After some ' time ' they wake up.
Oh yes - they wanted to prepare the meal for Nino and Nina.
You look out onto the terrace - and see Nina and Nino asleep.

Nino wakes up - He blinks to the " lovers "
Little by little he remembers what happened.

"Hello Nino - well rested "
"Oh, yes - I feel like a new man"
That's when Nina wakes up.
" Well - come on in for dinner "

The food is a little different than before
Silently and quietly they eat.

The food is a little different than before.
Silently and quietly they eat.

Then Leoni says:
"Now what would you like to know
That we have no money
how we feed ourselves. "

You don't tell Nino that twice.
Why don't you have money? »
"And I would like to know
how you feed yourselves " says Nina

" Holala - you two
answer two questions simultaneously -
Even I can't do that "
" na - let's start with the easy one.



For hundreds of thousands of years.
- according to your time -
we are vegetarian
We know
Eating and drinking is about an energy supply
Because we also move - purely physically
we see - we hear
and - what you might not suspect
also the thinking and feeling
needs energy - just like you
and that is why we too must


Our energy supply is
through light - air - water
by juices and by solid food.

But what is totally different.
We do not heat food or liquids.
Think about it.
All living things exist in your world.
- except you humans -
without the heating of food.

Of course, our constantly warm climate helps us to do this.
In addition - and this distinguishes us radically from you.
Our food is
from our energy-transforming bodies
- you call it digestive tract -
Optimally opened up and utilised.
This also has to do with the
basic building materials of our world
our atoms are composed differently
than your atoms.

- Oh - Nino -
But it was a difficult birth.
Do you agree with this
that we should first apply these findings
...standing in the room like that.

Let's go out onto the terrace.
Look at this tree in bloom.
The universe is so rich
of beautiful living
Shapes and colours
Let's just enjoy this "

You sit down
Silently they enjoy the beauty and silence
at this juncture.

Text - Photos by Albert Jäger
free translation with Deeple

Horizons dream or reality - Part 5. New garments