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Everything has two sides

A beautiful morning
a clear, blue sky
almost no wind

This beautiful morning
is perfect for a walk
through the nearby rose garden.

The roses are not yet in bloom,
but a cherry tree, with its red blossoms
greets me.

I slowly continue walking
I know that – an artist
sculpted a very beautiful woman in bronze here.

The arms open,
she looks up with closed eyes
- into her inner world -
- maybe -
- waiting for an inspiration -
At least that is what it looks like.

I sit down on a bench,
and gently gain insight :

Everything – that we look at - we only see
from one side.
Strange – I have never noticed this before.
Everything – truly everything -
- we see only from one side -

So – if I want to see the young woman
from the other side
I need to get up.
I get up and go around to
the other side.

She looks beautiful – this young woman
Her beauty captures me.
Yet not only me
Others stop as well, pondering.
" Always beautiful to look at "
a young man beside me says.
" I like her too " – his companion agrees, smiling.

Strange – it reminds me of a saying -
that I’ve heard often – in passing:

"Everything has two sides"

And I find that
my thoughts and feelings are
taking a walk within me.

Let’s see where they take me.
I hear a subtle voice within me:
" If you want to see something from all sides -
you have to move
either with your body
- like you just did
- or - "
the voice takes a brief break -
oh now I am curious

" or " it continues
" this young woman is alive -
she could turn
and you could see her other side
from where you are seated."

" There is only one disadvantage "
I reply:
" I can still only see one half at a time."

" That, unfortunately, cannot be changed.
Yet all the same – you are then familiar with both sides.
That is nice as well. "

And after a small break:

" That’s the way your life is."

" That’s too bad " I exclaim
" But better than not seeing anything at all "
she replied with a smile.

I am pensive:
How often do we see
something - an encounter – a situation
in life only from our side.
Is it advantageous
- how much can be earned -
instead of looking at it
through the eyes of others as well.

I sigh :
If life were only a bit easier -

I look up:
the sky is still a bright, clear blue
the trees are ready to blossom
Nature decorates itself from all sides
regardless – if I see it or not.
And it seems that – she smiles at me with understanding.
- Pensively -
but also a bit cheerful,
and I go home with a new insight gained.


Text and photos by Albert Jäger
traduction by Tamara Girke