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Naked and Healthy

Yet there is already a new question forming in Nino’s mind.
It is preying on his mind.

And then Nino has a dream.
There is peace on his home planet.
There are no more wars – there is no more hunger.
These problems have been solved.
He can sense only vaguely:
The people have a new attitude

toward one another and their planet.
Yet diseases are still prevalent.
Why is that?

He awakens with this question.
It is bright – as always -

the birds are chirping – as always -
He is overcome by a feeling of happiness -
He is excited about the day ahead.
He gets up quietly and goes to the window.
It is wonderful – to live here on this planet.

Yet the thought continues to prey on his mind:
Why is everyone here healthy?
Through Leoni he knows:
There aren’t any hospitals here.
Nina wakes up – sees her brother standing at the window -
quietly she gets up and stands beside him.
"Good morning – brother dear »
They then stand at the window for a while - quietly
and enjoying the meanwhile very familiar atmosphere.
Leoni calls them to breakfast from downstairs.
They greet each other -
as usual, with a kiss on each cheek.
During breakfast, Leoni says:
« Nino – I can see a small worry line on your forehead.

I assume you have another question. »
« Well – I had a dream »

And he describes his dream.
« Why is everyone here healthy?
You told us that there aren’t any hospitals here.
But perhaps you do have pain every now and then

Maybe a toothache? »
And he automatically thinks of his last visit to the dentist.

Leon and Leoni stop eating -
they look at Nina and Nino:
« We understand you - but -
nobody on our planet has
any physical or spiritual pain.
There are, of course, reasons for this.
But have patience -
we are going down to the lake today.

There you will see one of the reasons for our health.
By the way - Manuel and Manuela will also be there. »

« We are curious.»
Nina and Nino say simultaneously.
They cannot imagine -

what a lake has to do with overall health.
But both are excited about a reunion with
Manuel and Manuela -
and a smile creeps over their faces.

« Well – let’s not procrastinate. » Leon says
« The lake is a ways away.

But by now you’re familiar with our leisurely way travelling. «

Said and done. They hold hands
and in no time at all, they land safely and gently
near the lake.
They walk the last bit.

« This is a small bay. » Leoni says

« We’ll be a lone here for a while
and we can talk in peace.
But first we’ll refresh ourselves a little bit.
This is what we are used to.
Do you see that small island
let’s swim there and back»
« But we don’t have a bathing suit - Leoni -
Nina exclaims»
« That doesn’t matter – we always go into the lake naked.
Don’t worry – everyone here does that.
There is no need to be embarrassed. »

At home, Nina and Nino
had swum naked in a small stream.
But they’d always been alone there.
Yet here they feel confident.
Somehow everything is so natural.

They go into the water -
Swimming is quite a bit easier than at home.
It must be something to do with the planetary structure.
Nino decides - to ask Leon about it.
Without effort, they swim to the island and back.
« Well – how do you feel? »
« Oh Leoni - super – it is refreshing and invigorating
and, above all, easier than at home. »
« I will explain the reason to you later »
replied Leon.
Look - Manuel and Manuela are arriving »
They greet one another warmly.
And they too take off their clothing -

and swim to the island and back.
Then they have a seat on the lawn
and quietly look
at the shimmery light on the playful waves.

« Yes » Leoni starts to say after a while
« You want to know – why we are all so healthy here.
Manuela – can you tell our friends something about this? »
« But of course – but where do I start? »

Two swans are swimming along -
You could almost have the impression that they too want to listen
« Alright » says Manuela
It is best if I explain our way of life.

The first reason is:

We’ve been around naked people since our childhood.
Our parents - grandparents – our relatives
they were always naked.
We grow up with it naturally
so that we don’t question this habit.
Yet I must also add:
Our planet has a pleasant climate - as you would say -.
The sun isn’t as strong as it is in some areas on your planet.
This also has a reason.
A little over half of our planet consists of land.
We don’t have any huge oceans here like you do.
So – the external circumstances encourage nudit

The second reason is:

For us, everything is nature - everything – without exception
and our bodies belong to nature as well.
The skin is the largest sensory organ.
It absorbs light -
reacts to warmth, to 'cold,' to the wind.
You could say that:
We are very comfortable in our skin.
We have a good sense of our bodies.

The third reason is:

We are deeply aware of:
- being alive -
that we live in a flow of energy.
Energy flows in the body

for example:
breathing – blood circulation – lymphatic circulation -
electrical impulses for movement.
But energies also flow around the body.
You know it as aura.
Some people see these energies as colours.
All these energies find their way onto the skin and into the body.
Clothing doesn’t obstruct this flow of energy.

« Aura – I’ve heard of that before. »
Nino says.

« But the deepest reason is »
Manuela continues
« We only have love - no hate
only trust – no violence.
Everybody helps one another to the best of their abi
for the best possible development.
Nobody would profit or develop themselves at the expense of others.
We don’t get gratification from that. »

A small group of swans swims past them.

They swim slowly – very slowly.
Dreamily, Manuela says:
«We would think it was silly
that these swans or animals in general
needed clothing.
We, too, live and move wearing our natural dress.
Our natural dress is our skin. »

It is calm

Nina and Nino suddenly feel at one
- with their friends -
- with the swans -

- with the lake -
- with the shimmering waves -

- with the light -
A warm unprecedented current of love and warmth
flows through her heart – expands her heart.
And again they feel that:
the energies flow lighter – deeper and more beautiful.

Slowly Nina and Nino sense
where these people’s health comes from.

Manuela continues:

« I know – no – I feel that -
you want to know, what consequences our attitude
has on our life. »
« Yes – that would interest me very much »
Nina, who had until then listened silently, exclaims.

«Hello - Nina - nice -

I will tell you.
The free and unobstructed stream
of universal energies gives us
a wonderful and beautiful sense of our bodies.
These energies give us beauty and strength.
Beauty expresses itself in the best form
that a body can absorb.

Here you will – in all variations
see only beautiful bodies.
and a further consequence...
Oh - imagine – you are healthy and beautiful...
and this - always...
Then you would be happy
You can express your internal and external strengths
and have complete control over them.

Isn’t that magnificent? »
« Manuela – when I hear you talking like this
then everything is soooo natural. »
And for the first time, they look at one another, consciously.
No embarrassment – there is no barrier between them whatsoever.
Yes – they have wonderful – beautiful - brow
bodies that radiate in the sunshine
and, which have, a strong yet gentle
radiance from within.
What a difference compared to so many
unhealthy and undeveloped bodies on Earth.

And suddenly they see the sculptures of so many artists on their planet.
Didn’t they also, consciously – sometimes unconsciously -
immortalize these magnificent naked bodies
in stone and bronze.
The artists probably had
an internal idea of what a naked von
body can be and can express.

And after a long, long period of silence
Nino says:
« For the first time, I understand
why I always found nudity a good thing.
It most likely has something to do with my previou
s life
on other planets.
what should we do
when we return to our planet? »
For the first time, he thought of the retur
- somewhat wistfully -
« At home, a life like this is more difficult
You know – a bad image of our bodies.
Our society is one – I almost want to say -
that is disguised.
Being clothed is in. »

« But – in as far as we can observe from here - »
Manuela goes on « You also have many courageous men and women
that no longer do – what one does.
They think and feel -

just like we do -
regarding nudity.
And yes – we help them in our own way. »

« That would be nice - Manuela
But first, thank you very, very much.
We would like to life here by you. »

«But you’ve already been doing so for a while
and don’t start thinking about your return.
There are still a lot of things – which we want to show you.

I can see that - Nino is quite restless.
Well - Nino – what else would you like to know? »
« I have been thinking about this for quite a while now:
You greeted us on the peak
in nice long flowing robes.
You invited us to buy such robes.
And we find the colourful robes beautiful and practical.

All residents were dressed like that.
And I can guess why – but please enlighten us. »

« Dear Nino
what would you have thought

if, at the first meeting,
two naked people

had greeted you.
Wouldn’t you have been shocked?
We wanted to familiarize you with our habits carefully and gradually.
Now that you understand us, we can live
the way we always live. Agreed? »
« But of course, with pleasure - »
And they all laugh - relieved.

Text and photos by Albert Jäger
Translation by Tamara Girke