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Publication date  /  2009   -   62 articles

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  • Just come back!

    - 07 Jan 2009
    I'm late on my christmas photos, but just come back from holiday. Just a few macros on christmas decorations, which I enjoyed taking!

  • Frost and Feathers!

    - 20 Jan 2009
    I know they don't go together, but that's what I want to show at present! The photos of frost were taken in Chelmsford, Essex in England in the country side. The peacock feathers were a present given to me, as I love them very much.

  • We had to cut it!

    - 05 Feb 2009
    These are photos taken today as we had our tree cut down. It was leaning towards the house and there was a danger that it would fall on the house. It was a tremendous experience. On one hand, I was unhappy to see it go and felt like a murderer, and yet on

  • Mad on wood! This is for you.

    - 13 Feb 2009
    I took these photos the next day the pine tree was cut. As it was raining, the colours were so intense. These designs and colour facinated me. I wonder if it will facinate you!

  • Mahé - 18 weeks old already!

    - 13 Feb 2009
    These are mainly for the family to show how Mahé is growing up. It also shows how much his parents adore him, which is what I tried to capture. His grandparents adore him too!!

  • For the family!

    - 23 Feb 2009
    Mahé is 5 months old and such a happy child. I told you he would be the most photographed child ever!

  • Rue du Telegraphe

    - 07 Mar 2009
    This is an oil painting I promised you in one of my previous blogs. It is an order and is rather a big painting - 100 x 73 cms. It was ordered by the young man in the middle of the painting. He wanted to immortalize this moment which is one of the many

  • Spring flowers in the garden!

    - 15 Mar 2009
    I took these potos this afternoon in my garden, and it really shows that Spring is here. The beauty is out of this world. The voilets facinated me, as there is so much movement in them. As for the anemons, I never get tired of takig them and the iris is

  • Pavots

    - 31 Mar 2009
    This was a present to me from my friends. They couldn't have given me more pleasure! What beauty and what colour! I enjoyed taking photos of these flowers so much and felt I was inside them! What do you feel?

  • more pavots!

    - 02 Apr 2009
    I can't stop taking photos of them. They are so beautiful. These are white and yellow ones mainly and just coming out of their buds!

  • Mahé is 6 month's old!

    - 07 Apr 2009
    How the time flies! These photos are for the family so that they can follow how he is growing up. He is still a happy little boy and I am proud of him!

  • Pivoines

    - 17 Apr 2009
    I bought this bunch of pivoines in the market. They are not often sold there and hard to find in our area, so you can imagine I went to town taking photos of them. They are so romantic with a lot of poetry, I find. They change colour according to the

  • St. Jean Cap Ferrat and Villefranche

    - 11 May 2009
    I'm happy to be back again after my illness taking photos and getting lots of pleasure doing it. This is a trip along the coast which was so colourful and inspired me so much. Hope you like them.

  • Lia

    - 17 May 2009
    This is my latest painting in pastel. It is of Lia, the daughter of my cousin Mercedes and her husband Kallam who live in Australia. She is the sister of Erin-Rose, who I have already painted. I only hope her parents like it and Lia too!

  • Mahé is 7 months old!

    - 19 May 2009
    How the time flies! My little Mahé is already 7 months old and growing up to be a very happy baby! He has such a lot of character in his face already. It's incredible to see all this in a baby so early. As I already said, it's the miracle of life and I

  • In my garden

    - 20 May 2009
    When I want to feel well, I just go outside in my garden and see the wonderful things in nature and take photos of what I see. I love doing this.

  • Snooping around!

    - 06 Jun 2009
    I was just snooping around this morning to see what was around. This is what I found in the garden.

  • nearly 30 000 visits for me! Thank you all so much.

    - 15 Jun 2009
    It's great to know that I have so many visits and I appreciate this very much. Thanks you all my friends, family and my friends from Ipernity for all these visits.

  • Cecile

    - 29 Jun 2009
    This is the first time that I have painted a portrait of a bride in all her glory. I was facinated by her beautiful red hair and her lovely smile and just had to put it down on paper. She reminds me of the "birth of Venus" done by Boticelli and maybe,

  • When I was in Monaco!

    - 07 Jul 2009
    These were the images that impressed me. Hope you too will be impressed!

  • Babies!

    - 16 Jul 2009
    I'm in a world of babies! Mahé has several second cousins and I have the opportunity of taking photos of them. What a pleasure it is, but how difficult! The challenge is enormous, but so rewarding when they come out well. These are photos of Mahé at 9 and

  • Impressions of my holiday in Switzerland

    - 11 Aug 2009
    It's a pity that the photos are not in order, but let me say they are all impressions of the week I spent in Switzerland. We went to the Swis Alps . We had lunch at a revolving resturant in Shilthorn, where there was a panamora of 180 degrees of mountains

  • t09/index.htm

    - 13 Aug 2009
    Can you check this out. I entered in a virtuel art competition dealing with NATURE and got in. Get this link and see all the other artists too. I am on the 3rd page.

  • nature!

    - 17 Aug 2009 - 1 comment
    Just a few ods and ends of photos taken recently. How diverse it can be!

  • Mahé is walking!

    - 19 Aug 2009
    These are summer photos of Mahé on the beach. He has started walking and has cut his first tooth! Photos ofcourse, that are meant mostly for the family to show how he is growing up. I just love his big dark blue eyes!

  • I call it lace flower!

    - 22 Aug 2009 - 1 comment
    While watering the garden yesterday, I saw these lovely flower and thought it would be interesting to do macro shots of them. I loved to play around with aperture, so that only parts are sharp. The feather is out of place, but was just there, so I

  • Landscapes of Western Australia

    - 25 Aug 2009
    These are just a few for Markus, as he invited me to join his group of landscapes.

  • Mahé - 11 month's old

    - 26 Aug 2009 - 1 comment
    These are a few again for the family who haven't seen him yet. He walks if you lead him with one hand. He has cut his second tooth now and is curious about everthing. What a pleasure for me! Most probably, I won't be putting up any more photos for some

  • I'm here already!

    - 29 Aug 2009
    I just wanted to put a few photos for Markus again!

  • Memories of summer!

    - 05 Sep 2009
    I bought this bouquet and just went mad taking photos of it. The colours were so vibrant and I just LOVE colour! When I saw them on a slideshow, it reminded me of fireworks! What do you think?

  • Growing up with Ipernity!

    - 12 Sep 2009
    I said he would be the most photgraphed kid in the world! This is only a selection of the photos I take, so you can imagine the ones I have! He will be a year later this month, so there will be more I guess!

  • Peirfica

    - 24 Sep 2009
    This is an oil painting which I just finished. It is not dry yet. It was comissioned, so I hope the client will be happy with it. I will let you know his reactions! It means a lot to him, as he spent most of his life walking around the area and staying in

  • Dreams for men!

    - 01 Oct 2009
    Some dream, but for some it's reality! These photos were taken after the Monaco yacht show which was held last week. They were just my impressions of walking around the port and my love for boats and the sea.

  • Mahé's 1st birthday

    - 09 Oct 2009
    This series is for the family who want to know how it went off. They will be good memories of the happy day we spent together. Mahé was a bit woried as there was too much going on, and I think he was happy when he got his house back to himself!

  • Finn and Noée

    - 10 Oct 2009
    These are the children of my niece Monika who spent their holidays with me. I love the photos taken on the beach of Menton. I love their eyes and enjoyed taking these photogaphs.

  • Black and White

    - 13 Oct 2009
    I just wanted to experiment with black and white and was so surprised as to the results, especially of flowers how nice they look in this way. Most of these photos are already on my site, but it is nice to see the difference.

  • Lake Salagou

    - 23 Oct 2009
    I have just come back from there. It's a magic place, with colours that are very unusual. The contrast between the chocolate coloured earth and the blue of the water and sky are out of this world. This combined with the light green vegetation excited me

  • Thierry's and Martial's birthday

    - 25 Oct 2009
    These photos are for the family, especially our cousins who invited us to their party last weekend. Hope they will like them. I take the opportunity to thank them for the lovely day.

  • La Tuillerie - Rancon

    - 26 Oct 2009
    These photos are for François, as he owns La Tuillerie. Hope François you like them.

  • La France profonde - Chateauponsac

    - 27 Oct 2009
    This place in the Limousin brings back memories to the three brothers who spent their childhood in the area. It looks like it hasn't changed very much since they left!

  • Monaco - Le Rocher

    - 28 Oct 2009 - 1 comment
    I only used a wide-angle lenses without a polarizer and the sky is as blue as you can get. At this time of the year, the colours are so pure and that's why all the famous painters painted here. The lighting is out of this world!

  • A present for me!

    - 04 Nov 2009
    It's a bunch of gebras and of course I had to go around it, so see how I could photograph them. These are the results.

  • Away for 10 days!

    - 06 Nov 2009
    I will be away for 10 days, so will miss you all.

  • Maldon and Heybridge

    - 18 Nov 2009
    These are two fishing ports in Essex when the tide was out. The atmosphere was so lovely in the autumn and I was lucky to have a fairly nice day.

  • 40 000 visits very soon. A big THANK you for all your visits!

    - 20 Nov 2009
    I have really enjoyed being on Ipernity and all the contacts I have had for the last two years. Thank you all again for keeping my site alive and for all the feed back I have had.

  • Outing with Mahé to Parc Phoenix - Nice

    - 21 Nov 2009
    Mahé is 13 months old here and this was the day out to the park. These photos are for the family who don't live next to us to show them how Mahé is growing up.

  • Chelmsford - Essex

    - 24 Nov 2009
    I spent a few days in Chelsmford where my family live and these were just a few photographs I took when I got my one good day weather wise!

  • More from Essex!

    - 26 Nov 2009
    These are older photos that I took when I was earlier in the year and thought I would join them on.

  • Portrait of Brenda

    - 29 Nov 2009
    This is a portrait of my mother done in coal. She is very much in my mind at present. There are several paintings on the site. So why not take a look at them. Just click on "albums" and then the folders of the various paintings done in oil,pastel, and

  • Nico is 37 years old!

    - 01 Dec 2009
    Already!!! I can't beleive it. And Mahé is 14 months old. These are for the family of course.

  • Odds and ends!

    - 03 Dec 2009
    Just some odds and ends which you may be interestd in. I have hundreds of them.

  • Mahé at 14 months!

    - 07 Dec 2009
    He gets cuter and cuter and I love him more and more!

  • Flowers to brighten up your winter!

    - 08 Dec 2009
    Hope you will like them! Most of them taken in my garden when they are in bloom. Why not check out my album "flowers". There are plenty where that came from.

  • More flowers for you!

    - 10 Dec 2009
    Roses, mimosa, jasmin, holyhocks and orchids! I've taken them with different appertures to give them more or less an "arty" touch!

  • one of my favorites!

    - 11 Dec 2009
    This photo is one of my favorite photos, taken very instinctively in my garden. I had to be very quick as it was there, and then it was gone!

  • Menton - South of France

    - 14 Dec 2009
    This is where I live - a place that is so beautiful and I'm really lucky to live in a place like this. I have other photos of Menton which you may like to check out.

  • Christmas in Monaco

    - 17 Dec 2009
    I just happened to go there yesterday and these are just a few photographs that I took of things that impressed me. I thought the decorations at the shopping center were so good. Hope you like them too!

  • Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas

    - 18 Dec 2009 - 1 comment
    And all the best for the coming year! I wish you all a lot of pleasure on Ipernity and may we see startling photographs to come! These decorations were taken at home on my christmas tree. I enjoyed taking them very much. The lights were blue and most of

  • Menton lit up for Christmas!

    - 21 Dec 2009
    These photos were taken last night on the streets of Menton. They were not easy to take, as it was so cold that I could hardly press the button. My fingers were frozen! I took a tripod with me, but couldn't use it, as my fingers wouldn't do what I wanted

  • I won "Ipernity Best of the Week"!

    - 28 Dec 2009 - 1 comment
    I was over the moon when I discovered I won this competition this week. What better Christmas present can one get?!!! This photo was actually entered in a competition in Menton about two years ago and was selected as the best photo by the public. So it

  • Christmas time at Valberg

    - 28 Dec 2009
    These photos were taken at a ski resort in tthe Southern Alps not far from Nice. As you noticed, we had a white Christmas and what crowned it all was the beautiful sunshine on that day. The photos of the snow were taken at sunset and the lighting was out

  • Fire and Ice!

    - 30 Dec 2009
    These photos were taken a few years ago at Valberg. I spent more time there and was able to get more interesting light. They were taken by a campact Nikon coolpix, the camera I had before my SLR.