Carol Harper's most read articles

  • Week Twenty-One, May 26, 2016

    - 50 visits
    Two more nights of stitching after the WIPocalypse check-in and here is where the outline for “Return” is now. One page of six (top left corner) complete and parts of pages 2 and 3 (top center and right). A lot of Ripping (I always seem to miscount somewhere along the way) but not too much, so long as I don’t push the stitching to the last two strands from a six-strand-length (that is when my eyes start to rebel and I miss holes, etc.). I still don’t expect to make the deadline for regi…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - January 28, 2023

    - 49 visits
    IMG 1234
    This month's discussion topic is: "If you have been to retreats, what are your must-bring items and supplies?" I have attended three two-day paper crafting "retreats" (Simon Says Create in Columbus Ohio), one two-day scrapbooking crop (with a local crafting friends, even though I don't scrapbook!), and three two-day quilt retreats (put on by the guild of which I am webmaster, even though I truly do not quilt) in the past two decades. All within a two hour driving distance of my home. S…

  • A Completion!

    - 49 visits
    Michael Powel Beach Hut Twinchie#1
    I finished a little 2x2 square designed by Michael Powell. It's meant to be one side of a scissor keep but I think I'll make it into an ornament instead and stitch the other side as another ornament. OK, I shouldn't brag but it's been so LONG! Two strands of Anchor floss over one --- in an 18 ct (I think) canvas. A bear to frog so there is one mistake I simply fudged around. Luckily, Powell designs are wonky enough to make fudging invisible! ​On to the other side --- this is where it…

  • Week Twenty-Five, June 23, 2016

    - 49 visits
    P6220001 (1)
    After making my WIPocalypse report for June, 2016, I decided to “force” myself to put in at least two hours every night until this report was due. And I was successful, completing color #5 (of 12) and a little more than 50% of color #6 by last night: If I could keep up this pace, and it we weren’t traveling for the last weekend of June, I possibly could get “Roll Your Own” ready for framing and entry in the 2016 county fair. But I doubt my resolve, I really don’t want to make any mistakes…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - May 29, 2022

    - 48 visits
    75, 76 and 77
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Retreats and seminars – have you ever been to any stitching events? If so, tell us about them!" I have attended one scrapbooking crop (I do not scrapbook) and three quilting retreats (where I “worked” on piecing together in-progress crazy quilts - three quits the are STILL unfinished!). I have attended three in-person paper crafting events where I did learn a lot of technique, acquired a lot of swag (shopping at paper crafting events is de rigu…

  • Week Twenty-Three, June 11, 2015 and Week Twenty-Four, June 18, 2015

    - 48 visits
    Atlanta - before
    I'm B-a-a-a-ck! Well, *I* am back... not sure about the stitching mojo. The cold finally seems to have depearted. Maybe 90° weather in Atlanta baked it out of me. I will see. Atlanta. you say? We've been on a three week road trip (June 1 - 19), or as my husband called it, when the car's starter died in West Virginia, "Charlie's Exciting Adventure". We had two days drive form Ohio to Florida, seven days with a freind, one day's drive back north to Atlanta, four nights in a hotel/conferen…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - April 24, 2022

    - 47 visits
    5. Jasper
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What is your favorite store (either online or brick and mortar) to purchase your supplies?" This is a hard one because I don't use just one store. And the ones I do use are all online (we don't have any local needlework shops anywhere near around where I live). I like to buy floss from Stoney Creek. I tend to buy fabric from 1-2-3 Stitch and from ABC Stitch Therapy. Recently, I am in two monthly thread clubs and a monthly fabric club at Lakeside…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - August 28, 2022

    - 43 visits
    Hope & Strength, August 28, 2022
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Have you been participating in gatherings via online chats (Zoom, Google Meet, etc) during the COVID pandemic? If so, what have been the best formats in your opinion?" The answer to this is short, and not-so-sweet! No! I have not participated in any online gatherings at any time, before or during the Covid pandemic, and I don't anticipate doing so after (if there is an after). I don't perform well, stitching (or crafting) in groups. I hav…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - January 8, 2023

    - 42 visits
    A new year, and time to: "Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!" Who am I? My name is Carol Harper, although I have used the handle "that yank" more often the past. I am a "Jill" of all crafts and master of none: I paper craft (my papercrafting blog is currently neglected) and embroider (ranging from needlepoint and crewel in the distant past to cross-stitch and blackwork currently) and sometimes quilt (crazy quilting), knit and even bead a little, all of…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - July 31, 2022

    - 42 visits
    Hope & Strength
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What five patterns do you really want to purchase (or start) right now?" "I don't really need to purchase any more projects... I have enough to outlive me by decades! But there are a few in my stash that I would like to start. The following three are patterns soon-to-be released or already in hand that I intend to begin shortly: • The soon-to-be issued "Autumn Sampler" from Stitchonomy, a companion to the already finished "Wniter Sampler" and…

  • WIPocalypse Check-In - October 2018

    - 41 visits
    The question for the month for WIPocalypse is: " Do you prefer to stitch on a rotation or one project at a time?" I really don't have a preference. I have done both and both have their advantages. Rotation removes some of the boredom that can arise when stitching on a single LARGE project. It is particularly helpful to intersperse stitching on a large BAP with smaller pieces (which might give on the felling of accomplishment when the small piece is finished), a piece with different…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-in - October 30, 2022

    - 40 visits
    October 27, 2022 Hope & Strength
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Do you prefer Halloween or Christmas stitching?" I think I don't have a preference for either; historically I have leaned toward more holiday-neutral stitching. My holiday stitching was pretty much confined to 'smalls" like tree ornaments for a number of holidays (mainly Easter, Halloween, and Christmas). Partly, this was because I was into entering the local county fair and one of the needlework entry categories was trios of Christmas ornaments…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-in - November 27, 2022

    - 39 visits
    November 27, 2022
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "When do you begin planning your stitching goals for the next year?" Interesting question that I don't have an answer for. I don't plan ahead beyond working on (and hopefully competing) the projects in progress. ~~~~~Long-term WIPS~~~~~ When I checked in last month, I had only one long-term WIP in my project bag: The Elizabeth Almond "Save the Stitches" blackwork sampler, which is roughly 60% complete . No progress this month... ~~~~~Travell…

  • WIPoccaclypse 2022 Check-In: September 25, 2022

    - 39 visits
    12. Opal
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?" Not exactly sure what a seasonal stitcher is. I stitch year-round and my productivity is based more on what other aspects of my creative and every-day life are thrown at me... For example, while I TRY to stitch at least 1.5 hours every night, paper crafting classes/events I have signed up for, illnesses (like a "mild" bout of Covid at t…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-in - December 31, 2022

    - 38 visits
    IMG 0707
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc)." Here goes, starting with my finishes, in order of "finishing": 1. Lakeside Needlecraft "Christmas" SAL 2021. Stitched on white Aida using recommended threads. Started December 26, 2021; finished January 6, 2022:  2. Stitchonomy Christmas 2021 SAL. stitched on ice blue AIDA (not obvious in this photo) in the colors specified (exceptI s…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - May 28, 3023

    - 34 visits
    This month's discussion topic is: "What project brings you the most joy and why?" Not really sure what this means. What brings me joy in stitchery is the process of working a pattern and seeing is come to fruition. There is satisfaction in completion. And happiness if the piece is to be a gift to a close and valued friend. But I can't single out any specific project... ~~~~~WIPs~~~~~ 1. Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches" sampler. Started back in February of 2014! No progress s…

  • Wipocalypse 2023 Check-In - March 26, 2023

    - 34 visits
    Temperature chart 2023, March 21
    This month's discussion topic is: "Tell us about your favorite places to buy stitching supplies." Sadly, there are no LNS stores within driving distance of where I live. The closest town (Toledo) has a Hobby Lobby, a Michaels and a Joanne's but I have never found them to be well stocked with stitching supplies (except may a healthy selection of DMC threads) - not worth the 40+ minute drive IMO. SO... I shop online! It has two major drawbacks: you can never be sure of the color of fabri…

  • WIPocalypse Check-In, December 2018

    - 32 visits
    The topic for December is to " "Recap your accomplishments for the year!" ​Well, if you have followed me at all this year, you will know that my only accomplishments for the year were a few months of organization, which fizzled out when it came time to sort floss...The progress reports are in the following posts: January: The before pictures and starting to clear cutting table surface and floor space. This was my most productive month when it came to organizing. Beads, yarns, tools, fabr…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In September 25, 2023 (a day late)

    - 31 visits
    Temperature 2023
    This month's discussion topic is: "Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?" Off hand, I'd say: "No, I'm not a 'seasonal' stitcher." if, by what you man as seasonal do I stitch more in winter than summer, etc. I stitch nearly every week of the year on whatever WIPs and new projects I have on hand. If, on the other hand, you mean do I stitch on "seasonal" projects, yes --- in th past four or five years, I've been hooked on…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - February 26, 2023

    - 31 visits
    IMG 1286
    This month's discussion topic is: "What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?" Easy question! The tricky part is how one defies "participation"! Here's a list, starting with long-term WIPs (bordering on UFOs). followed by current SALs, and ending with SALs where I have collected the charts with every intention of starting (but haven't yet)!! 1.There are two long-term SAL/WIPs which have stalled out for one reason or another. I hope (against hope) to get back to them…

493 articles in total