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Publication date  /  2016  /  February   -   4 articles

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  • Week Five , February 4, 2016

    - 04 Feb 2016
    Given that I only stitched one night on “Rematch”, I didn’t do too badly in terms of progress on the outline. I really only have one page to go before I start on the color fill… I will probably switch to my traveling pieces in the next few weeks

  • Week Six , February 11, 2016 and Week Seven, February 18, 2016

    - 18 Feb 2016
    Between Week Five and AFTER the 11th, I didn’t stitch at all. We are in Florida right now, in the middle of our second week of a three-week stay, and I have managed to get in some stitching on the porch when it is warm enough to sit outside (it’s darned

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - February 22

    - 24 Feb 2016
    I know - I'm late. I forgot that Monday was the full moon. The topic for this full moon was” If you have any of your pieces on display in your home which attracts the most plaudits?” Well, at present there are only two pieces “on display” (if you don’t

  • Week Eight, February 25, 2016

    - 25 Feb 2016
    Not a whole lot to report today, given that I already showed major progress in the WIPocalypse post yesterday. But… I did finish the first color in the inner border! It was blended (two different yarns) and I hate blended stitching (can’t use the loop