Since last Wednesday, we drove --- a LOT! And did a lot of sightseeing as well. On Thursday, after the film and cyclorama at the visitor's center, we had a two-hour guided driving tour of the Gettysburg National Military Park.

On Friday, we went blueberry picking at Frog Eye Farm (Charlie picked six pounds and when we got home, we froze six quarts!).

Saturday was a LONG drive home through Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, fighting our car's version of Siri all the way (she had totally different ideas of the route we should have taken but we beat her version home by an hour, so we won! LOL).

Besides all that touring in the past week, it was the usual clean-up chores upon arriving home: unpacking (and the laundry that goes with that), sorting two weeks of newspapers and mail (and trying to catch up with the news, bills and magazines that go with that chore), doing the grocery shopping, picking up my framed needlework and entering them in the fair:

along with two other pieces framed last December:

picking beans and cucumbers from my garden:

(and buying replacement plants for the now-spent bush bean plants - next generation will be strawberries!), making return calls to the five valid calls on our answering machine (there were 36 actual calls, 31 of which were dead air from the ubiquitous unknown caller!) and setting up appointments with the plumber, the building inspector and my hair cutter! A logistics nightmare when I am still exhausted from the trip but it's done!

And not a single stitch!