My plan was to dedicate my weekend to stitching on "Save the Stitches", the blackwork sampler SAL from Elizabeth Almond. And on Friday, I made a good start, getting blocks 6 and 7 outlined and started the fill stitches on block 6.

However, I got sidetracked on Saturday, ending up watching a double feature with my husband: "Philomena" and "Last Vegas" ---both good films in their own right although, to be true, a strange mix. However, after watching the serious and somewhat sad "Philomena", I opted for something a little lighter in "Last Vegas". I would watch ANYTHING with Dame Judy Dench in it and "Philomena lived up to my expectations. AS for "Las Vegas", while the stars weren't actors on "my" must watch list, it was a fun film, reminiscent of the chemistry between aging male actors that I remember from "Space Cowboys" (a film which had three of my "must watch" actors!).

Two films, however, meant no time to stitch Saturday night.

Being as Sunday was Easter and husband had brought home an enormous ham, I knew that most of the afternoon would be occupied with cooking. That left only Sunday evening with any extensive stitching time, so I didn't get as far with "Save the Stitches" as I had hoped. Here it is - blocks 1-5 completed, outlines for 6 and 7 and fill stitches in about half of block 6...

Since Band 10 of the Wiehenburg "Mystery Band Sampler" arrived online on the weekend, I am still behind on my smalls and my BAP (the 9 Roll Your Own mandalas) is still untouched...