For October 2013, the WIPocaplypse themes are: Designer – Ink Circles, Style – Autumn, and Colors – Black and Orange.

I do have some Ink Circles in my to do bag --- 8 different mandalas along the same theme, with pone more to come --- an online class called "Roll Your Own". But while I've chosen my color scheme and kitted it out, I haven't started stitching yet.

Autumn is my favorite season and I have stitched autumn-style things before but nothing this month (or this year, for that matter). However, I did consider my last BJP butterfly autumnal so maybe that qualifies.

As for a black and orange color scheme, I am working on some blackwork. No orange though... just black!

Since the last check-in, I have been trying to catch up with my stitching schedule and have completed the following:
  • TAST - Spanish Feather Stitch (rather poorly), Siennese Stitch, the Spiked Knotted Cable Chain Stitch (again, rather poorly), and the Raised Cup Stitch (yet again, poorly)
  • Bead Journal Project - my August and my September butterflies
  • Crazy Quilt Journal Project - a red monochromatic block for October
  • a wall hanging made from the 12 blocks of the 2012 Color Palette/Crazy quilt Journal/Bead Journal Project challenges
  • My quilt guild retreat challenge block, "Bling it On!" which won the prize for best use of embellishment at retreat!

My current stitching WIPS include:
  • the blackwork "Puppy Dog" from Ajisai
  • a cover for a fabric book (which will be made from my 2010 Bead Journal Project squares)
  • a Chinese Coins quilted throw, both of which are shown in their most recent iteration here

Closer to being caught up but not quite...

I've barely unpacked from quilt retreat, laundry that took a couple of days, I have five ATCs to complete for a swap and one Halloween card for a challenge, my friends and I are taking the Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 102 class together (and we are already behind on that), and my satellite stopped delivering HD channels to my DVR so I have to sit around today and wait for a service call (and hope it is in the cable, NOT in the DVR, because if it's the latter, I will lose quite a lot of programs I had yet to watch, not the least being four Shakespeare plays form the PBS "Great Performances" series). Still unstarted on the stitchery front are the "Roll Your Own" mandalas by Ink Circles (that theme-related online-class), a background stitch journal by Janet Perry (another online class), a stitch guide practicum by Janet Perry (yet another online class), and my October Bead Journal Project butterfly! At least the November Crazy Quilt Journal block is assembled and ready to go next month!