This month's topic for discussion is:

"Half-year recap: How are you doing with your goals so far this year?"

Well, I'm stitching and that is definitely an improvement after two years hiatus! I finished one WIP ("Palm Tree Elegance") in April and dithered about for a month Finally, I decided to get my hand in practice for smaller stitches than called for on that needlepoint canvas so I took out a Michael Powell kit of key fobs and scissor keeps (Beach Huts Scissor Keep X131). It is four patterns (back and front of a scissor keep and back and front of a key fob), charted for double stranded floss on a very fine canvas, so I thought it would be a good test of whether I could handle cross-stitch on linen and other even weaves. Also, it is pretty small (I chose the 2" x 2" scissor keep) so should have been a quick finish.

I started mid-month and discovered that two strands of floss on canvas is a pain, and when it's two strands of different colors, even a bigger pain --- more for the keeping my threads organized than the stitching but the length kept catching on the edges of the canvas. Irritating to say the least.

​I didn't get as far as I would have back in the day --- in three calendar weeks, I probably stitched only 7 days. This is the result:

Lots of confetti stitching left. It doesn't look like much here (it's supposed to be - no it WILL be - a wonky beach hut), but there is backstitching to come.

​I'd like to say that my hands and fingers cramping were the main reason I did so little on this piece. They did cramp, but... it was more the fussing with the single strands of floss and all the confetti stitching that was putting me off. I'm not giving up, though!