I took the birth sampler in last week to be framed and it was ready on Saturday:

Husband mailed it off to our niece on Monday and it should be there by now…

I am having to force myself to work on this wedding sampler/belated gift. It is all in red on white and it is all backstitch. Each letter has to be started individually so as to not have loose ends showing through, which is using an awful lot of floss. What is more, it is just plain tedious counting. Still, I have finished a third full strand of floss (I suspect the pattern is being a little skimpy when it called for only two skeins of the variegated ad I can see running out of the first skein VERY soon… with not even two lines of the sampler finished!) and here is where it stands right now:

I will keep plugging away at this as I really feel that, once started, it MUST be finished. But it won’t be my favorite-ever stitched piece.