First completion this month was the sock from Janet Perry's "Mittens & Mini-Socks". It's called "Jewel" and is posted here...

Second was the companion mitten for "Jewel", completed January 21, 2013:

Also completed on January 21 was the January piece for Bead Journal Proejct 2013 - a beaded butterfly on snowflake fabric which I call "Snow & Ice":

Completed on January 23 was the January block for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2013 - a monochromatic yellow piece:

And also completed on January 23 was the Take a Stitch Tuesday #49, "Knotted Feather Stitch" which I did in variegated #5 perle on white DMC linen:

It's been a busy week and I have at least one more small piece I want to complete before January winds down. But I thought I should play catch-up with posting today!