Andreas Boettcher's favorite articles

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  • 2019-07-19 Newsflash: ipernity incident/hiccup/Störung

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, This morning at 10:09 am the automatic monitoring systems of our website reported a fundamental dysfunction. Many of you have also quickly informed us about this outage. We thank you for that. The problem was that one of the main servers we hosted at the Amazon Web Service unexpectedly stopped. Thanks to the help of Christophe Ruelle, the former director of the ipernity website, normal operation was resumed at 13:05 (CEST). Fortunately, th…

  • 2018-11-30 Newsflash

    ipernity Subscription Packages
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Tomorrow the meteorological winter begins. Therefore we have switched the ipernity front page to "winter operation". Once again, we would like to thank the photographers who contributed with their pictures to create a versatile collection. 2. In order to disturb the ongoing operation as little as possible, the cleaning of the database was switched to individual account processing. To be on the safe side, each individual account history is…

  • UPDATE : 27th April @ approx 0200 BST : 26th April 2017 2123 hrs : UPDATE : 24hrs later, e2a, MAYBE ...Very Good News ...

    Update posted by William Sutherland for 27 April 2017: Mr. Christophe Ruelle signed off on the letter of intent confirming his acceptance of IMA's proposal. A copy of this document can be found on the IMA website at: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Official from Christophe, all we are waiting for now is signed papers ... Blog post c2030 BST on 26th April 2017 ... 24 hours later - E2A - unfortunat…

  • 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The ipernity team presents to you all our very best wishes for the new year! Since the announcement of ipernity’s shutdown, we received many proposals and messages of support either from users and businesses. With the help of several community members, especially Claus-Peter , Paul ( autofantasia ), Eric Desjours , and, William Sutherland , the idea that ipernity could be managed by the community has made its way and seems to be the most realistic solution.…

  • Pour vous répondre [FR]

    The English version is now available here .

  • A complementary information [EN]

    La version française est disponible ici .

  • what's going on

    Dear friendly people of ipernity, What's going on right now ? the head of the team is negotiating with several potential buyers. One seems to be really serious. But nothing is done. What am I doing ? I'm actually reading all your comments (hundreds...) on the latest articles and collecting informations/data on your feelings, ideas, support etc.. thus, to use it to make a "at the moment" state of ipernity. (We may share a survey poll soon) Which means I have fewer time to reply to the su…

27 articles in total