Sun illuminates scars


and other life's fragments.

On the field

battle slows down

weapons keep quiet

canteens are empty.

Distended combatants

take off the boots

massage the feet

badly cautious against the flight of suicidal doves

at the far away

outburst beat of drums.


O sol ilumina cicatrizes


e outros estilhaços de vida.

Sobre o campo

esmorece a batalha

calam-se as armas

esvaziam-se os cantis.

Os combatentes distendidos


massajam os pés

mal precavidos contra o suicida voo de pombas

no rompante rufar de tambores

ao longe.

In "Poetânea 5", Edition by the Authors, 2006

(article 1st edition, 2008; 2nd edition, 2016)