Avenida da República, II

The noises repeat themselves in the avenue

and also the light

as yesterday

the traffic's death rattle in the lane

the steps' drag on the sidewalk

the talks' murmur at the outdoor coffee shop

the exposed navels over slipped trousers of fat girls

the works on the underground

the blind persons with offensive moneyboxes

the empty offices before the lunch

and also after

the infernal hot of the August month

the forest fires

the extended dry

the ozone's hole

the beaches not so far away

at South and West of Lisboa

the sea repeats itself through each wave

and the light is of foam

as yesterday.

(to read the original Portuguese version of this text please click on the above image)

by Armando TABORDA, In "Poetânea 5", Edition by the Authors, 2006

(post 1st edition, 2008; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2019)