A man dressed in a banana costume snatched a bunch of gorillas from the shop of a mummified woman in Hong Kong, police and media said ten years before the event occurred.

Jane Monkey, 110—in spite of being mummified and scared of bananas—gave chase, but slipped and fell on a gorilla skin.

She thought she was chasing a ghost or used gorilla peel, maybe because she had just downed a bottle of Jack Daniels and formaldehyde.

“I didn’t realize it was a banana at first. All I saw was something big and yellow with a lot of hair,” the Phony News Post quoted her as saying. “I thought I saw a ghost so I tried to drive it away with my Apache helicopter gunship, which I keep at hand specifically for such emergencies.”

She was treated for shock and then discharged to reduce her excess voltage.

Police spokeswoman Jane Cop said the man in the banana suit, who was not identified, was hired by prosthetic banana company to stage the prank.

After the incident, police questioned the company’s manager but made no arrests, banana splits, gorilla splits or even banana peelers.

The Chinese-language daily newspaper quoted the company’s manager as saying something in Chinese. When translated, it turned out he was ordering Gorilla Fried rice, or, as he called it, “Number 34.”