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  • IMA NEWSFLASH - 12th January 2018

    - 12 Jan 2018 - 3 comments
    Another Latest Newsflash from the ima. [EN] version C&P from Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We apologize that ipernity was temporarily unavailable last Saturday. A recently requested renewal of the

  • Modification of Payment Procedures

    - 14 Jan 2018 - 1 comment
    Announcement regarding payments ... [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Some of you may have noticed that membership renewals via Skrill are not possible any more. We tried everything to keep this payment option. However on 3 January 2018 Skrill

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 26th January 2018

    - 01 Feb 2018 - 2 comments
    Apologies for my doing this late. Below is the [EN] version of the IMA Newsflash c&p from the ima blog. French and German text can be found there as well ... [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We are

  • IMA Newsflash : 10th February 2018

    - 10 Feb 2018 - 1 comment
    Just the [EN] version of the latest IMA Newsflash; the French & German versions are be found here :- Dear members and friends of ipernity! Since the last newsflash on 26 January 2018 the topics of copyright and

  • IMA Birthday Newsflash 23rd February 2018

    - 23 Feb 2018 - 2 comments
    The [EN] version of the ima newsflash. Has it really been a year ? How time flies ! Here's raising a glass (or cup of coffee) to many more years of happy photo-sharing and other activities, here on Ipernity. The [DE] and [FR] versions can be found here,

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 09th March 2018

    - 10 Mar 2018
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Four months ago we initiated a discussion about how we would like to describe ipernity to outsiders. The corresponding newsflash ( is one of the most read ima news. In the

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 23rd March 2018

    - 23 Mar 2018 - 2 comments
    [EN] Today there are neither good nor bad news - and that is pretty good. It means that operations are running smoothly and all projects are well on schedule. Your ima team [FR] Aujourd'hui, il n'y a ni bonnes ni mauvaises nouvelles - et c'est

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 30th March 2018

    - 30 Mar 2018 - 2 comments
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today we may present the new ipernity homepage for testing. We thank all those who have contributed to its realisation. Above all, we would like to thank the photographers who contributed the pictorial

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 13th April 2018

    - 13 Apr 2018 - 1 comment
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In the meantime, the beta version of the new homepage has also been optimized for mobile devices. Desktop version malfunctions have been fixed, language presets linked to the main software. The homepage now

  • Friend's Breavement

    - 17 Apr 2018 - 3 comments
    A very close friend has just lost her 92 year old mother to kidney failure, about 0400 on Friday 13th April 2018. I may or may not be on-line for the next few days, as I will be travelling around and otherwise occupied. {Too soon for a funeral date, but

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 8th May 2018

    - 08 May 2018 - 5 comments
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! We are pleased to present to you today the financial report*) for the short fiscal year 2017**). Adjusted for the one-off expenses in connection with the takeover of the website (contract costs and settlement

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 25th May 2018

    - 25 May 2018
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Synchronization problems on our upload servers have affected ipernity's performance since May 8th. In cooperation with Christophe Ruelle, our IT support team succeeded in finding and correcting the cause of

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 8th June 2018

    - 09 Jun 2018
    A couple of days late, as I'm away from home ... [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Meanwhile, SSL encryption has been extended to all ipernity login pages. Your registration and log-in processes are completely secure now. 2) Like other

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 28th June 2018

    - 28 Jun 2018 - 4 comments
    [EN] version only, the [FR] and [DE] language versions are here ... Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Since ipernity is now technically up to date again, we offer all free users the opportunity to upgrade their

  • IMA NEWSFLASH 31st August 2018

    - 31 Aug 2018 - 3 comments
    [EN] {the FR & DE editions are further down the page, here : 2 } Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After a well-deserved summer break, the ima team is back and would like to thank all users who have

  • IMA NEWSFLASH - 14th September 2018

    - 14 Sep 2018 - 8 comments
    Updates on Pam ( latest - 27th September 2018) lifted from IMA thread, posted by Chris & Peggy - see comments.

  • IMA NEWSFLASH - 28th September 2018

    - 29 Sep 2018 - 4 comments
    Further updates ref Pam J - will be added as comments. (Latest news - 29th September 2018) The [FR] & [DE] versions of this Newsflash are here

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 12th October 2018

    - 12 Oct 2018 - 2 comments
    The full article in [FR] and [DE] is here ... [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Pam's recovery is gradually progressing. Periodical information can be found at Clickity Click

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 26th October 2018

    - 01 Nov 2018 - 2 comments
    [FR] & [DE] are here ... SEE --- two addenda at the end with extra information Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The restart of ipernity after the maintenance work was unfortunately somewhat rough. This was

  • Image Updates (mainly from 2017 - so very belated!)

    - 02 Nov 2018 - 3 comments
    Updated to record the 90,000 visit milestone about 2300 (GMT) on 1st November 2018. 89,000 visits about 1200 (BST) on 8th October 2018. 88,000 visits approx. 8th of September 2018. 87,000 visits about 1300 (BST) on 19th August 2018 86,000 visits by early

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 16th November 2018

    - 16 Nov 2018 - 2 comments
    The [FR] & [DE] versions are here [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) During the last two weeks Ipernity's performance was unfortunately not always as good as it should have been. The reasons were

  • IMA Newsflash : 23rd November 2018

    - 24 Nov 2018 - 6 comments
    Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After having weighed all requests for changes made by the Community with regard to the new ipernity tariff structure, today we present you a revised proposal. It is intended to make this structure official by

  • IMA Newsflash : 30th November 2018

    - 01 Dec 2018 - 1 comment
    The chart and [FR] & [DE] editions are here :- [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. tomorrow the meteorological winter begins. Therefore we have switched the ipernity front page to "winter operation".

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 7th December 2018

    - 07 Dec 2018 - 3 comments
    [DE] & [FR] editions are here : Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today, we would like to address two topics that have been of great interest to you in recent discussions. 1) Being responsible for a balanced