Recent uploads have, amongst a number of wildlife and other subjects, included the more recent work-based project images. There will be a few further additions made in the next couple of days, after I've done the keywords etc. Some will show up as group contributions.
The restoration / rebuild of the Peterhead Quarry Railway Convict Van continues; as the reconstruction has begun, including some painting, we have refitted some of the ironwork.
NER70 is now panelled and primed, with only a few minor tasks remaining from this second stage of the restoration project.
Some further smaller projects are due to arrive shortly, we are looking forward to one in particular - the restoration of a pair of "Great War" war memorials. Another recent project was to supply an additional board to Seaham - The custodians of the "George Elmy" wanted to display a list of the station's coxswains.
The special event was the official inaugural journey of the Knotty Heritage Train at the Foxfield Railway and the first weekend in public service.