After seeing several good members and friends close up shop and leave ipernity, I've decided to express my thoughts on this development...

Sure, ipernity has its issues, but what photo sharing site doesn't? I think that the photography community here on ipernity is much more alive and interactive than any other photo sharing site I've visited. Thanks to the many gifted and friendly photographers I met on ipernity over the past 2 1/2 years, I learned more about photography than I ever thought possible. I also learned to leave my fears of the technical aspects behind and explore the artistic side of me through this medium. I will forever be grateful to all of you who share your talent with me, and for the extremely appreciated support you give as I explore what little talent I have for the medium.

I am especially saddened whenever I see any member leave ipernity for Flickr. I still have an account there, but hardly use it except in the capacity of serving as a moderator in one of the largest groups there and visiting my friends in the doll community (the reason I originally joined Flickr). I find the photography community there rather like a large city; cold and impersonal.

It is here on ipernity where I met a photography community that behaves like one. It would crush me to see it die, especially if it's because of members who choose to leave because they mistakenly fear that the "ship" is sinking. When they do that, they contribute to making their fears our reality.

When the IP team updated us on their status, they were honest enough to admit their financial difficulties, and, if you read their message closely, they seem to be throwing out "feelers" to gauge the attitude of the members. If too many of us choose to withdraw the very support that they need to keep this site operating, then the IP team will have no choice but to either close down ipernity or sell it to the highest bidder. That being said, Team ipernity must make the committment to its members who support them to allow us to help them! When many members cannot renew their club memberships because a glitch in the system doesn't allow them to pay, then the IP team shoots itself in the foot!

Does it make sense to throw away a great photo sharing site that even many of the members who left acknowledge has the best interface of any other site of its kind? Or do we make every effort to help preserve a wonderful place to share our photos and hearts with each other? For me the choice is clear. If we who always loved ipernity would stick it out and contribute to saving it through our support, we can keep the community we love in one place, and continue to enjoy operating on the best interface in the cyber world for photo sharing.

And as for Team ipernity, don't let go of your devoted members; show us you care by making it easier to support you!!