Digitalization is quickly transforming the world that we live in, and the construction industry is not an exception. You see, you don’t even have to make an active effort at digitally transforming your company. These things can just happen spontaneously. For instance, it might be more efficient for the architect to share an edit of the plan via a cloud service or contact a foreman via Viber. This too is a digitalization.
Still, just how important is this, and what is there for construction companies and people employed in this field to gain by pursuing increased digitalization. Here are the top five perks of digital transformation in the construction industry that you need to be aware of.

Digital Use On-Site

The first thing worth addressing is the fact that every construction worker has a smartphone in their pocket or, at least, somewhere on them. This means that they’re easy to contact and manage via various IM services.
Now, while some see a smartphone on the site as a liability, the truth is that some in the mobile device industry saw this as a massive opportunity. So, they started developing rugged devices for construction field workers. These devices are more durable but also made to support the construction-industry-vital software.
Remember that having your employees on their phones is neither safe nor practical. Still, they can use it for plan-sharing and schedule updates during their microbreaks. Also, it’s incredibly handy for a foreman to use it in order to coordinate the project. The list of features that one can install on these platforms is simply staggering, and it can drastically improve the performance of the project.
Also, it’s important to keep in mind that the majority of companies include sensitive information in the project-relevant data folder. Therefore, the device in question needs to have security features that are on par.

Higher Quality of End Product

The ability to use sophisticated tools in architecture will inevitably lead to a better turnover in the field of construction. This is possible through both hardware and software advancements. While it’s the field of construction management that benefits from this the most, the truth is that other related industries benefit just as much.
For instance, the modern 3D modeling platforms allow for an unprecedented level of visualization and simulation. Nowadays, it is possible to see how the material will react under certain circumstances, which drastically increases the safety of the structure as a whole.
Second, with the help of AR visualization, it’s quite easy to sell an idea to a client or even explain it to your own team. Instead of having to try and verbalize (which isn’t everyone’s forte), you can just whip out your smartphone, point it in a certain direction and resolve this issue in a matter of seconds. Seeing as how the immersion is increased, as well, this can turn out to be a powerful selling tool, as well.
The key thing to remember is that the construction industry doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It heavily relies on the engineering and manufacturing of new tools and materials. It also depends on the ability of the real estate industry to create and control the market. Lastly, architecture, although a part of the construction industry, lives a life of its own. Seeing as how all of these fields are growing under the influence of digitalization, so is the construction industry.

Worker Training

This is both an opportunity and a problem. On the plus side, these digital assets can be used in order to improve the training progress. At the same time, digitalization gives your staff one more thing to master. In other words, it’s not enough to just invest in new devices and platforms. You need to make sure that people using them understand them and even use them to their full potential.
One of the factors that make this increasingly difficult is the fact that the construction industry has a workforce problem. Namely, it relies on an aging workforce, seeing as how the industry doesn’t seem to have the same appeal to millennials and Gen Z. In fact, the median age of a worker in the construction industry is 43. This can make the adoption of these new tech trends even more difficult.
At the same time, increased digitization and reliance on smart technology may have an adverse effect on the industry. This kind of industry transformation may attract more young people to the construction industry. For the time being, nonetheless, this is one of the biggest concerns regarding the impact of digitalization on this field.

Better Safety and Risk Mitigation

Another crucial thing worth addressing is the improvement in risk assessment and mitigation. For instance, using digital means, laser scanners, and tape measures can allow construction workers to measure distances without risking their lives.
One of the advantages that is not often talked about is the ability of the company to make an assessment of the project beforehand. Therefore, they’ll only accept projects that they know they can complete. The majority of workplace accidents come from chasing deadlines and trying to overcompensate for the lack of capacity.
The next two factors that will spearhead safety improvements are research and development. You see, development relies on the data, and digitalization makes all the difference in the world here. Data harvesting will, therefore, be made automatic. In the past, it was an arduous project that was often neglected due to the fact that it demanded so much active effort.

Long-Term Cost Reductions

Implementing technology saves money. This is hardly surprising, however, there are so many forms in which this gargantuan cost-reduction is so closely tied to the concept of digitalization in construction. In the previous section, we’ve addressed the accurate estimation of the project before accepting it (signing the contract). It’s clear how this saves money, as well.
Just by eliminating the necessity for the paper form of orders, you’ll optimize your supply chains and even save money. Other than this, you’re taking an eco-friendly path as a business, which allows you to label yourself as green for marketing purposes. This is another economic boon to your company, which often goes unnoticed.
Digital time-tracking is also far more efficient, more indicative, and more cost-effective. Alternatively, you would have to entrust time tracking to foremen (who already have too much on their plate) or delegate it to someone else (potentially even a new hire). Overall, it’s the best, the most efficient way to go.
Keep in mind that as digitalization penetrates deeper into this industry, the results it accomplishes are bound to get more impressive. Getting their early means being ahead of the curve and being able to exploit all that this field has to offer.

In Conclusion

By understanding the unused potential of digital venues that you are yet to explore, you stand to gain a significant competitive edge. While, in the introduction, we’ve mentioned that digitalization sometimes happens spontaneously, in order to optimize your construction practices, you need to make it systemic, as well.
Seeing as how digital transformation saves money, increases safety, boosts on-site performance, and does a lot more for your enterprise, it indeed looks like a worthwhile investment. Just keep in mind that you need to set a pace that your team will be able to follow. After all, you are working with an aging workforce, which is a concept that you can’t afford to overlook.