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Publication date  /  2019  /  May   -   6 articles

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  • Neighbours

    - 05 May 2019 - 9 comments
    Inspired by Jenny and her terrific neighbours. Over the years I’ve lived in a number of houses with a ‘rum do’ assortment of neighbours. As a teenager, we lived in a new terraced house on a housing estate that had limited access for cars. With

  • Garden

    - 08 May 2019 - 5 comments
    I posted some photos of my limited plant collection, and some descriptions however this is more detailed. The bluebells are ‘native’ to the garden, along with the fatsia japonica – thanks Jenny. The rest are my plants and consist of: Large 23-year-old

  • You're Fired

    - 16 May 2019 - 8 comments
    This week, the Ship’s Dog was fired. He was having a little nap in the sun, outside the back door which is a lovely little sun trap for him. I don’t mind him napping, however, next door’s cat was also napping in the sunshine, in my garden, on the decking

  • Ramblings

    - 23 May 2019 - 9 comments
    Today, Thursday, was the Deckhand’s Birthday. 23 years old. Where does the time go? I offered to pay for a meal out, however after last year’s mediocre fayre, and the cost of eating out, he decided we’d stay home. He chose the menu: ribs in BBQ sauce,

  • Money

    - 27 May 2019 - 13 comments
    Money, we’re told, is the root of all evil, meaning all wrongdoings can be traced back to the excessive attachment of money. But what is excessive? Is wanting enough money, and more, to live a comfortable life excessive? What level of comfort are we

  • What a Palaver

    - 30 May 2019 - 9 comments
    Yet again I’ve had a gas bill for over £1200, and yet again I made an official complaint. A manager called me, stated that it had all been sorted, but that for reasons known only to herself, someone had gone into my account and altered the meter reading