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Publication date  /  2018  /  August   -   5 articles

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  • Piracy

    - 01 Aug 2018 - 6 comments
    Recently, I filled in an online benefits calculator to see if I’d be eligible for help with my rent, or further council tax deductions. I filled it all in, only to be told I’m paying too much rent, and that I am penalised for that and therefore don’t

  • Blonde

    - 11 Aug 2018 - 6 comments
    Late in the week I had an appointment to see my GP. Unlike in Wales where I often had a 3-week wait, here, I only had to wait 9 days for a routine appointment. It could have been sooner, however I specified that I wanted to use the surgery within walking

  • Kitchen Tribulations and Ship's Dog

    - 19 Aug 2018 - 9 comments
    This week, the Ship’s Dog had to attend the vet’s clinic. He’s been yelping when he gets up, or lies down, and we gave him a couple of days quiet time and he seemed okay. Friday morning however, he would not settle and kept yelping as if in pain and he

  • A Good Day

    - 24 Aug 2018 - 7 comments
    Thursday was a good day all round. The Ship’s Dog had a ‘yelp’ free day, my pack mule (the Deckhand) walked with me to the supermarket for a top up shop, and we had a deliciously simple, simply delicious dinner. The house alarm has been sorted. I received

  • Noise Pollution

    - 30 Aug 2018 - 8 comments
    No, I’m not talking about the main road near me though it is a tad noisy some mornings, and I swear the dust in this house, which is plentiful, is mainly due to the main road and lack of rain – I’ve never dusted so much in my entire life – I’m talking of