This week, I have been, mostly, shattered. I worked an extra 10 hours, making my weekly total 22 hours. It was hard work. I didn’t mind doing it, however the one day I was a tad miffed. It was a day I wasn’t supposed to be in anyway, I did a 6-hour shift, and even then, two people asked if I could stay extra. I apologised, but said no, I really wanted to get home, and I reminded them I was working 10 hours overtime this week anyway. Each day that I’ve worked 6 hours, I’ve fallen asleep in front of the TV after dinner. I’m such a lightweight lol

Each day I’ve been in work, there have been changes made however nobody has told me, and each time I’ve been ‘reminded’ of how they’re doing things now. Its more than a little annoying. Breathe…

Customers are still thin on the ground, and the online orders are still up. I worked a Sunday, and for the first time in my 10 weeks, I left whilst they were still picking. Nobody asked me to stay, and I’d gone 15 minutes over anyway, so I skedaddled (ran away).

The weather is a mixed bag of being too hot and very sunny, or very cloudy and feels like a storm is on the way but never actually delivers. The one day I got 3 small loads on the line, dried, and ironed, and all before 1pm. That was a hot day! The bedrooms have been very hot too and even though the weather has cooled by about 10 degrees, the bedrooms haven’t. Man, I hate this house sometimes.

Speaking of the house: Monday, we have the builders coming to repair the bathroom leak that was reported in mid-January, yes, mid-January. Frankly, I’ll believe it IF they actually turn up! I had hoped, in some way, that they’d leave it until after we’d left. We’re managing, but no such luck. First day I expect they’ll use a machine to get the tile grout out, then they’ll take off the tiles. That will be a noisy day and I’m sure tempers will be frayed. After that, it will depend on the damage under the tiles for how they proceed though I hope they won’t take too long. My son hopes so too because 2 days in the week, I have to work, and he’ll have to let them in and ‘deal’ with them for an hour or two until I get home. All that time I was unemployed/retired, and now I have a job, the builders are finally coming in. Typical!

Not much else going on. Due to ‘selfish’ parking a skip lorry had to reverse up our street and go the wrong way around the one-way system as he couldn’t get through at the end of our street. Someone has ‘keyed’ my car over the headlight and onto the paintwork. So, the usual cr*p of living here. If the supermarket keeps me on, I will seriously consider moving to somewhere else. That though depends on how much a local move would cost me, and if we can find a house that will take the dog too. A girl can dream…

Have a great week, next week. Keep safe, and sane too if at all possible ;)