As regular readers will know, in early December the bathroom light bulb blew. We’d been using a battery-powered lantern in the bathroom for almost 3 weeks when the agent phoned to come and replace the bulbs in the back bedroom. I stated that I’d replaced one, didn’t want the other replaced, thanks – 4 spots in a small bedroom is far too bright – however the bathroom bulb has blown and if they’re willing… The following day a man came out, with his own ladder, and sorted out the bathroom for us. The bulb is very close to the window, with the bath and loo in the way, so he had to crouch on the very top of the step ladder, then run a screwdriver around the cover because they’d painted too close when painting the ceiling dark blue – who does that? He eventually got the cover off, and thankfully, I had a new bulb that would fit. I emptied the dead spider and dust out of the cover whilst he replaced the bulb. 20 minutes later, job done, and we can now use the bathroom even when it’s dark lol. I’m so grateful they did that job for me.

My cold: I’ve had this ‘cold’ for months now and was seriously thinking of going to see my GP after New Year. I was reading on our NHS (Health) site that a constant cold could be allergies, and that even in winter, trees put out a lot of pollen. As you know, we have a lot of trees in this area and I love them. With that in mind, I’ve been taking one a day allergy meds for a few days now. I wake up coughing, sneezing, and feeling like I have a cold though within an hour of taking the allergy meds, I feel right as rain. Great news! I’ve never taken them in winter before, though have had what I assumed was a lingering cold before; I’m guessing it was allergies all along. The trees, and the road dust here, seem to be making me hyper-sensitive.

Saturday, we went out for our final shop before the Christmas madness. I wanted to get out early, and my son wanted to come too so he set his alarm. Well, it took him an hour and a quarter to shower, dress, and have breakfast before he was ready. Good grief! We arrived at the supermarket just before 8am and he commented how busy the car park was already. Sheesh! It wasn’t too bad in the store and we have quite a lot of the food already bought and in the freezer. He wasn’t in the right mood, may as well have been shouting Bah humbug to everyone, and we did the cheapest shop we’ve ever done. Today, Sunday, I need to pop to a different supermarket to collect my eye drops so I’ll get a few more things without him, including a dessert which we don’t have yet. He really doesn’t get into the Christmas spirit at all, just like his Dad used to be; no idea if that’s changed.

I’ve put up our little tree, finally, in the dining room. It’s in the way when it’s in the living room, is distracting if I’m watching TV, so this is a nice compromise and we can have the tree lights on when we have dinner. My son has bought me a bottle of rum; he knows what I like lol, and I’ve given him money. He rarely wants much so money is a good option; he’ll probably put it towards some software he wants to buy for his computer.

So, we’re just about ready, and looking forward to tasty food and a quiet break. I wish you all peace, happiness, health, and if we’re lucky, a little wealth too.

Have a lovely Christmas!