Despite sleeping a lot better recently, this week the Klutz Gene has been working overtime. I’ve twice walked into the bookcase in the living room. One time just a graze from the corner, the other time I must have walked heavily into it and actually cut my shoulder on the corner. Just a small cut, but man did it bleed. Taking an oven tray out of the oven, I managed to touch my other arm with the tray, no idea how, and was ‘treated’ to a thin burn more than 2 inches long. To add insult to injury, I’ve been bitten twice on the same hand, near my wrist, by midges. I have a bad reaction to bites, and these swelled so much I couldn’t wear my watch for several days. I think I should be locked in a room coated with bubble wrap, so I can’t hurt myself LMAO. I am sleeping better, as I said, yet still yawn all day and often have very little energy. I bruise easily, bleed easily, and have noticed some pin prick petechial spots on my skin. I have a GP appointment soon to discuss and review my meds and will mention the above too.

Since seeing the eye specialist, 5 weeks ago, I’ve been drinking an extra litre of water a day (I don’t drink enough – camel gene lol) and frankly haven’t noticed any difference apart from the obvious. I’ve also been taking the ‘D’ vitamins as recommended; again, not seeing any difference. To repeat my previous blog post; just shoot me.

In other news I had a small win, which is nice, however it lacked the zeros I need to change my life in any way. Still, every little helps, and this is the third win I’ve had this year. Only small wins, though way more than I would get in interest given the amount (not much) of money that I have.

I’ve started to make plans to visit my kid sister in 2 months which will be great. I just wish she had a spare bed; it’s either the floor in the (cluttered) spare room or the sofa. A hotel is out of the question; too costly, and I wouldn’t like being alone in one anyway. I have furniture, don’t get me wrong, however I am a bit of a minimalist and don’t hoard ‘stuff’ that has no use or hasn’t been used in a while. My kid sister is the polar opposite and you can barely move in her house for ‘stuff.’ I think she’s like our Mother, whereas I’m more like our Father. My dream purchase would be an RV (recreational vehicle) so that I could travel and have my own place to sleep. I could park up outside her house, visit, and then have my own space at night. I don’t want much… lol

The weather here has been quite sunny and getting warmer again. Great for laundry though twice we were forecast rain that didn’t appear, and I’ve needed to water the garden pots. I have around half the potted plants that I used to have (I also have well under half the garden I used to have) so this didn’t take too long. No rain forecast for about a week, so no doubt I’ll need to water them again in a few days’ time. The blueberries (well under the normal amount) are starting to ripen. We have 2 quince fruit so far (similar to a very hard pear) and the blackberry and loganberry are looking good but no flowers so far; I think it’s early yet? We had a neighbour who had a huge quince ‘tree’ growing up their south-facing wall. They had so much fruit, they used to make quince jelly. My plant is still young, being trained up a bamboo arch, however it really needs a bigger pot and better frame. I think I’ll re-pot it in the autumn and try and get it a fan frame to grow up.

Nothing much going on. Enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend.