Wednesday was a day of extreme frustration. I chased up my rental application, only to be told it was held up because my landlord hadn’t provided them with a reference yet. I explained that he’d sent me an email Friday, saying he had mailed it, and he’d sent me an email copy. I forwarded it to them and texted the landlord as he wasn’t answering his mobile. I eventually got hold of him and it seems the agent asked for an email reference, and instead he snail mailed it to me on Friday. Talk about tugging out my hair! This is typical of him; doing what he thinks is wanted, rather than what was asked. At my request he emailed them the reference, copied me in, and I forwarded it too just to be sure. They’re going to try and get me an update soon re my application. Phoning them every day… After all that, the snail mail arrived. On Wednesday. For mail posted on Friday on a first-class stamp. Last time I sent mail to my son in England, it arrived the next day. The landlord is not happy with me as he’s allegedly lost a tenant who was due to move in on May 1st. Say what now? This is despite the fact that I’ve signed nothing to say I would vacate at end of April, and nobody has viewed the house; I know this because I had to change the lock a while ago and the landlord doesn’t have a key. Hmmm.

I Skyped with my son to update him on the above, only to have the screen freeze twice due to lagging. Despite the lag, he managed to talk me down from the ceiling. I’m so stressed… The internet is useless around here. When watching Netflix, I frequently have to rewind as the volume has muted, or the volume works, and the picture freezes. Man, I hope the internet is better in the Midlands.

Thursday, we were supposed to attend a Care Meeting at the hospital to discuss my Mother’s long-term care. The social worker apparently booked in 2 families at the same time, and Wednesday afternoon I tried phoning her, numerous times, to ask her to clarify what time our meeting was. No answer. In the end I phoned the ward, was asked to hold, and was somewhat nonplussed when my kid sister answered. It seems the social worker has cancelled our meeting, for the third time! To be fair, last time she didn’t bother to tell us she’d cancelled the meeting, we turned up and were told then. My sister was very angry, had a chat with the doctor about Mum, and decided to take her home. I’m a bit cross about this as she’s told the social worker not to bother us again. The plan was, that the social worker was going to arrange day care for our Mum including physiotherapy. This would be good for her and would take some of the strain off her carer, my niece. Without consulting any of us, my sister has blown this right out of the water. I know I’m leaving soon, all being well, but she really shouldn’t have done this without consultation. She complains she’s doing it all, including Dad’s funeral, yet she simply won’t let any of us help or be involved. Frankly, I’m glad I’m moving away. I would have liked to visit one last time with Mum, but that’s not possible now unless I overdose on antihistamines and visit her at home – she has cats, 4 at the last count, and they make me ill. Also 4 dogs, and numerous other furry critters. It’s good that Mum is back home, which is where she wants to be, however I’m not at all happy with the way it was done.

Friday, I had to pop into town to photocopy some paperwork for the landlord, and to print a letter for him asking for him to have some patience with us, and not to let the house until I have a contract and a moving date. Basic common sense really! Well, the PC’s were down, so I just did the photocopying, and emailed the letter to him instead, from home. Isn’t technology marvellous?

Within moments of being home I had a call from the agent asking what type of dog I had. OMG I thought; we’re going to lose this house. Meanwhile, my mobile is ringing, someone from the hospital is outside and can’t get in. Get in where, I asked. Apparently, she was outside Mum’s house, and wanted to check on her. I called them on the landline, no answer, so advised the caller how to get around to the front of the house – not as straightforward as one would expect. I called my sister and asked her to call her daughter’s mobile to let them know somebody was trying to visit Mum.

Meanwhile, I’ve had an email asking for me to pay the Holders Fee on the house. Talk about nightmare! LOL. I had to set up a new payment on my online bank, paid the fee, and the house is practically ours. The fee means nobody else can view it, nor make an application on it. Just waiting now for a move in date. Oh, I also had a 2.25% raise on my pension. I NEVER had that much of a raise when I was working.

So, finally some good news! I need a drink… ;)