Today, Friday, the Ship is being buffeted and blown about. Outside the sun is shining and we have fluffy clouds scudding across the sky, but get outside, and it’s a stiff breeze and none too warm either. Maybe later I’ll hang some laundry from the rigging.

Still no word from the pensions people, and earlier in the week, I gave notice that I’ll need to access some of my treasure. I’ll have to chase them next week, preferably with a cutlass and threats of the plank. Makes me see red…

Food has been interesting; the Deckhand and I have been experimenting with vegetarian fare. Partly as a cost cutting exercise, and also because of boredom with ‘meat and 2 veg.’ So far, I’ve made lentil dhal – very nice. A lentil hotpot – not so good though the sweet potato, and cheese topping was good which we scraped off and ate instead. Nut loaf – an old favourite of mine. We’ve tried a meatloaf and were not impressed, so nuts it is. I’ve also made a lentil and mushroom quiche a few times which we like a lot. Pasta with herbs and mushrooms is a good standby. Thursday night I made falafel, from scratch, which we had in folded flatbreads with crunchy salad and mint yogurt dressing. OMG it was good! So far we’re eating about 50% vegetarian food. I find it often takes longer to prepare, and I frequently omit the gratuitous garlic, but we’re enjoying it. It will be good practice for the Deckhand when he jumps ship in September as I doubt he’ll be able to afford to buy meat often. Neither will I for that matter. It’s supposed to be healthier anyway, and it’s cheaper, so it’s a win win situation.

Locally, we’ve had the results of the local election, and people have voted for the same old. We have pot holes like you wouldn’t believe, dog fouling (not from my dog!), fly tipping, Travellers, again! Less and less services whilst paying more each and every year, infill house building, 3-week average wait to see a GP, terrible congestion on the roads… I could go on, and still the people here vote back in the same old party. Makes me despair. I shall probably despair even more once we’ve had the General Election. Is it just me, or is anyone else suffering from election overload now? I’m losing the will to vote, or care…

I think I need to go on a good raid, pillage some villages, strike fear into the hearts of scurvy dogs, and make people who annoy me walk the plank. It’ll be a long line LOL. The Deckhand and I have started clearing out some ‘rubbish’ from the Ship before he escapes. Plants on the deck may receive a similar culling as I have shrubs that I don’t even like that much and their pots are slowly but surely disintegrating. It’ll come together soon, though I am seriously feeling tempted to pull up the anchor and sail off for calmer seas.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, with copious amounts of sunshine, and no scurvy dogs to blight your day. I’d like it to be warm enough to sit outside of an evening with a nice glass of wine, or rum. Maybe too soon for that? A pirate can dream…