I’ve had a few… as the song goes. I did something today that I already regret, and as the day wears on, I know I’m going to regret it all the more. I was early for work, and it seemed a good idea at the time, and it only made me a few minutes late for work, but man it’s playing on my mind.
It didn’t take long, and sometimes it’s those little things that play on our mind or our conscience all the more. My colleague saw it, and he says I’m an addict and that there’s not much hope for me. It’s not my fault if he rarely does this; I just couldn’t help myself.
No doubt, my son will berate me, and tell me I shouldn’t have done it today, but in the cold light of day, he may change his mind. All I know is that for now at least, it’s driving me crazy. I feel so weak-willed and all too human and I know some people don’t do this, but that’s their business. Frankly, they don’t know what they’re missing. Maybe it’s a guilty pleasure, maybe it’s addiction; I don’t care.
So, what terrible deed did I do? Was I mean or rude to somebody? Not a chance! Did I kick the dog? Never! Did I steal something? Not in a million years! The deed? I bought a warm loaf of sourdough from a small supermarket and the smell wafting from the bag on my desk is driving me crazy! LMAO. If my colleague weren’t here, I’d have already tore into it. My son will be grateful in the morning when we can have a nice bacon sandwich on some good bread. I’m so baaad… Please don’t hate me LOL