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Religions – yes or no

As always, Nina und Nino wake up
in Leon and Leoni’s house the 'next morning'.

Again they are awakened by a small yet charming chirping of birds.
They are immediately aware of where they are.
They have made considerable experiences in the past few days.
Life on this planet was relatively different after all
from that on their planet Earth.
What kinds of surprises were still to come.
« Do you know - Nina – what I am a little curious about -
I haven’t seen a single church here.
I would like to know
'Do they have religion- like we do -
and – do these people believe in
one God or maybe in Gods and Goddesses. »
« Well – let’s just ask
Leon and Leoni » replied Nina
« they should know.

But I can already imagine it -
there will probably be several surprises. »

After looking at the blossoming garden
and onto the sculpture of the 'Lovers,' they go downstairs
and are greeted warmly by Leon and Leoni.
« Good morning - And – well-rested »
« But of course »
« Let’s have breakfast then »
And as usual they dine peacefully.

« Manuel and Manuela’s mother is home again »
begins Leon « Her husband had invited us.
I suggest we visit them »
« But - please – let us walk, it is so nice here »
says Nina.
« Agreed » says Leoni
« We have enough time »

So they go through the small town
And like them – other residents are out and about as well.

They greet one another heartily.

After a while they see Manuel and Manuela’s house.
In front of the house the family is sitting in the sun,
as if their arrival had been expected.
They greet each other – as usual -
with a kiss on both cheeks.

« May I introduce you to my wife
her name is Alina »
« And my husband’s name is Alino » says Alina
while looking at her husband lovingly and with a smile.
And Alina continues
« So – now I get to know you two as well.
My husband and my children have told me a lot about you.
I am happy – to be able to greet you here. »
In the meantime Nina and Nino know this feeling
a nice feeling

of familiarity and being welcome.

« I hope – you’ve managed to settle a bit here with us »
begins Alina.
'She has a nice and gentle yet clear voice'
Nino thinks - and out loud he says:
« Yes – it’s nice here -

even when some things are very, very strange for us. »

« You aren’t the first – to say that.
But I feel – that you have a particular question today. »

«Absolutely » says Nina
« and we are very curious about your answer »

« Well then – let’s hear it.
As you know – you can ask us anything -
even if it may get a little difficult
for you to comprehend »

« We are already aware of that » says Nino thoughtfully
« Well - Nino – what did you want to know
just say it. »
Nina encourages her brother.
« Alright – we noticed that-
there aren’t any churches or the like here

We haven’t seen one yet.
Do you have religions -
do you believe in a God or
maybe in Gods and Goddesses »

Alina smiles and says
« You aren’t the first – who ask this question.
But I am sure my husband can tell you something about that.
He has preoccupied himself with the story
of our and your planet for a long time. »

It is silent

There is a tree in front of them – its blossoms are fragrant.
Some are open already
others are still buds.
Nina and Nino suspect that -
they are about to find out something about a problem
that is very familiar to them from Earth.

After a long – long break
and within a big and deep calmness, Alino begins:

« I know the story of your planet
and the stories about the creation of Earth as well.
All people believe in a creation
through divinity.
And these stories are very diverse.
A large Christian church even teaches us that,
in the beginning, Adam and Eva had to pass a test inflicted by God

which they failed immediately of course.
All the people today still have to suffer because of this »

« We call this sin the original sin
And the guilt, the hereditary guilt»
« Yes - Nino – that’s how it is »
« I never understood that » says Nina
« How I can help it – that millions of years ago
a couple was apparently to have made mistakes -
and who really want to know that so exactly »

« Dear Nina – this is a well-intended attempt
through the help of a story -
that naturally didn’t befall in this way -

to explain the evil.
This in and for itself so well thought-out story has one crucial error ....
« Which one – I don’t understand
but I suspect it ....»
« Well - and – what do you suspect »
« I presume – the Devil – that enters into the game
is mightier than this God.
That’s quite a predicament.
Shouldn’t this divinity be the
highest power in the universe

« Yes, to shorten the whole thing » Alino continues
« exactly there is where the religions enter to tell you:
We can help you out of this dilemma
Because we have direct contact to this God
or to his son as well.
And we - we alone -can tell you -
what you have to do now,

to get out of this conflict. »

« That’s what the priests do. »
says Nino.

« Yes – but unfortunately
with a lot of people a caste with hierarchies formed from it.
And the priests were often monarchs as well
They were called 'priest kings'
or 'prince-bishops by the grace of God'
The leader of a large religion today
still calls himself a 'representative of God’s son'
But contrary to the founder and his disciples,
he lives in a magnificent palace and
decorates himself with beautiful but old-fashioned clothing. »

« That’s true – I see that the same way - Alino »

« And even today there are wars with death and destruction
for the erection of an empire in the name of a holy book. »

« Yes - Alino – this is unfortunately still the case. »


« But – tell us – how is it here,
maybe a little less complicated? »

« Dear Nino - dear Nina -
- to make it short -
We don’t have religions
and no belief either
in one God or in Goddesses and Gods.
This may seem very unusual
perhaps strange and unbelievable to you.
But that it the way it is.

Yet why is it this way.

Our life, here on our planet
would be for you what you call heaven.
There are
no wars – no hunger – no diseases – no poverty
To say it positively:
We enjoy living – we like to love – we enjoy celebrating
we like to travel – we enjoy 'working'.
We care for what we have and create new things.
We have the gift of materialisation and of dematerialisation.
You have already experienced that here.
These alone are characteristics
that you would ascribe to a god of whatever nature.
Yes – in your eyes and in your perception
we would be gods and goddesses.

But that is not how we see ourselves.

Have a look -
We are in contact with other planets -
we can even travel to them.
And we get visitors from other planets.
Some planets are much more developed than we are.
That completely exceeds your imagination.
We see ourselves as beings, who are very developed
in relation to your development.

Everything is in development - you – us -
the entire universe.

But that doesn`t mean you`re not as good as we are.
An example may help you a bit further.
You arrive in this world as a baby

and develop until adulthood.
Nobody would think – to day -
a baby or a child is worse than an adult.
That is clear to you as well.

You only have to adopt this attitude or this perception
to your own religions-
to your ideology -
and lastly, to yourselves.
Then your fight for the
best religion or the best form of government
would come to an end.
The word 'panacea'
wouldn`t exist in your vocabulary anymore. »
This would give you the peace you`ve sought after for so long »

...It is quiet...

Nino and Nina automatically see the image of this planet
in front of them
just like back then – when they arrived at the summit.

How long ago has it been
.... was it yesterday....
....was it the day before yesterday....
....was it last week....
They no longer have a sense of 'time'
Their home planet is far – far away.

Slowly Nina and Nino awaken
as if they had been in a long, deep dream.

Finally Alina says quietly
« Can you still imagine
that there is only one single male God –
one single divinity in this huge universe or
only one God in three individuals
- who, furthermore, are all males -
that they can exist.

We simply can`t imagine that. »

After a long – long break
Nino and Nina say – almost in the same breath
« Everything is so easy here
and it all seems to go without saying. »

« Dear Nina - dear Nino
Everything in it`s time – or to be more exact
Everything has a certain perpetuity -
on your planet, mankind
will at one point come to this understanding as well.
And - many are already open to this... »

« We wish - that you are right - Alina »

« We love you – and many of you
will rediscover love towards us.

Beings from other planets will visit you.
And I too will soon incarnate myself
on your planet in the body of a woman.
And – contrary to some negative beliefs
from some evil aliens -
we will come as loving and knowledgeable beings.

We will help you.

But we can talk about that another time. »

After a break and still somewhat stunned

Nino says
« Dear Alina - dear Alino
we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts
for these insights which are so completely new to us.

If it is like you say
then we can have hope for our planet Earth. »
« Yes – that you can have.
Your planet is about to experience a rebirth.

...That`s completely certain...»

Text and photos by Albert Jäger
Translation by
Tamara Girke

Horizons - dream or reality
part 14 'Naked and Healthy'